trouble with the in-laws


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2008
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touchy subject i know. i live with my in-laws but really dont get on with them. its got so bad i'm now suffering from depression and my health worker has put it down to my relationship with my in-laws. we cant afford to move out though. they ignore me, refuse to let me sit in the lounge with them (if i go in then they walk out) and label all their food so i dont touch it. my OH seems completely oblivious to this and when i've tried talking to him about it he says its in my head and we argue. he has quite bad learning disabilities which is why he doesnt find their behaviour odd. anyone got any advice? my friend told me i might be able to get on the council list because its a form of bullying. there isnt enough room at my parents. i also work for my mother-in-law but am off sick because of the depression. i just need to get out of this place.

That sounds awful! I would definately speak to the citizens advice bureau to see what your options are. You shouldnt have to put up with that.

Claire x
Sounds awful :hug: As far as I'm aware you are entitled to go on the council list no matter what but some people have priority, if you explain everything to them (make an appointment to go and see them rather than just sending the form off) they should be able to help, they may put you in emergency housing for a while (usually a b&b) but if you stick it out they find you something permanent. Good luck :hug:
sorry hun, no advice, but just wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug: And i thought my in laws were bad?!?! They sound like really horrible people :x
things have been getting worse and worse over the last few months so OH and i have moved back in with my parents (and its very squished!). i'm alot happier bt i dont think OH is. i left home over a year ago so im used to it but he keeps talking about moving back in, which i really dont want, i dont want to be miserable again. only thing is im scared he is gonna move back in without me. i think that would do alot of damage in our relationship as its quite a distance so we would barely see each other. we are trying to apply for a council place but not getting very far.

i hate being a grown up!!!!! :x :x :( :( :(
I think your Mum in law has too much control over you at the minute. She pays your wages and provides somewhere for you to live and she knows you're a bit tied when it comes to fighting back if she's mean. Can you find yourself a different job? At least then you're earning your own money! The independence and time away from the inlaws would probably also make the world of difference with how stressed you feel!
i kinda understand what you were going through, i live with my OH's mum, and as its her house everything has to be done her way, i dont even have the option of going into the living room as she has changed it into a bedroom for herself, and the bedroom upstairs is now full of crap, im so miserable here but OH just says sorry cant move out anything could happen and we'd have to come back again, and i cant move in with my family as my dad lives in a bedsit and mum is 300 miles away OH wont move out of the county grrr.

my advise is go to the council so long as your over 18 you will be put on the list, but as other people have said you may have to wait.

good luck with it though :)
Definately get yourself on the list for a council house! If you are back with your parents you qualify as being overcrowded.
got the application form today for the council place :D

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