Trisomy 6 miscarriage - So lost. Please help. :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2019
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Hi all,

I was just told yesterday that my most recent miscarriage was due to Trisomy 6. As this was my second miscarriage, I had the product for genetic testing (my first miscarriage was a blighted ovum). Both of these miscarriages happened around week 6. I am 28 years old.

I am so beyond lost and devastated over the diagnosis as I cannot find anything really about trisomy 6 but the one website I did find said it is likely a balanced translocation on the mother’s side. No one in my family has suffered a miscarriage and all have multiple children (my mom had 3). Does anyone have any knowledge of the trisomies or trisomy 6? Are they likely to recur?

I don’t have a family doctor and was rejected from the miscarriage clinic on the grounds there was a cause for my 2nd miscarriage (trisomy 6) so I’m just very confused and lost.

Would appreciate any insight. <3
Hi, i personally don’t have any experience of trisomy 6, but I’ve read that most miscarriages are due to a trisomy of some kind, it’s very common, when the egg and sperm meet they don’t always copy the right amount of chromosomes over, then our bodies have a clever way of detecting the embryo isn’t developing correctly and ends the pregnancy, this is what goes wrong in the vast majority of miscarriages, I honestly don’t think you have anything to worry about in terms of reoccurrence, and the miscarriage clinics usually don’t see people unless they’ve had three miscarriages, I myself had two miscarriages, one a very early one at about 5 weeks and the second one a blighted ovum, third pregnancy was successful
I know it’s hard but try not to worry too much about reoccurrence, so many women on here have had two miscarriages and then successful on their third pregnancy, I wish you all the luck in the world that you get pregnant again soon with a healthy baby x
Oh also, your family members have just been lucky really considering 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage x
Oh also, your family members have just been lucky really considering 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage x

Thank you so much for your replies! That has made me feel a great deal better. I am assuming my blighted ovum was also due to a genetic/chromosomal problem. Do you think it’s unusual to have 2 in a row especially under 30 y/o?

Do you know the cause of your losses?
Thank you so much for your replies! That has made me feel a great deal better. I am assuming my blighted ovum was also due to a genetic/chromosomal problem. Do you think it’s unusual to have 2 in a row especially under 30 y/o?

Do you know the cause of your losses?

My mums first two pregnancies ended in misscarriage. She was in her early twenties. She went on to have three babies all two years apart after that. Back then I don't think these things were investigated so she never knew why the first two pregnancies ended.

Wishing you all the best on your journey.
They say everyone has a miscarriage... it’s sad but they’re sooo common. 95% are due to chromosomal abnormalities (even the healthiest woman will have 15-20% of her eggs be abnormal), and almost all women who have them will eventually go on to have a successful pregnancy! You’ve most likely just had bad luck. There’s nothing to say it’ll happen again and there’s most likely nothing wrong with you or your husband. x
Thank you so much for your replies! That has made me feel a great deal better. I am assuming my blighted ovum was also due to a genetic/chromosomal problem. Do you think it’s unusual to have 2 in a row especially under 30 y/o?

Do you know the cause of your losses?

im glad you feel a little bit better, I honestly think you’ve just unfortunately had a run of bad luck, one of my friends had a mc around the same time as me, she is only 22 so it really does happen to women of all ages, eggs are basically cells in our bodies, our cells actually start to get damaged from the moment we are born, so we do have some damaged eggs from a young age, which I know is a bit depressing!
I never did find out the cause of my miscarriages, they told me when my blighted ovum was discovered it was probably a chromosome abnormality but I’ll admit it caused a big panic in me as we have blood clotting conditions in my family which can causes miscarriages, I really wanted some testing done but here in the uk they will only test you after three miscarriages, I done a bit of research, had a look on social media a lot, there was women on there having 3 or more unexplained miscarriages then having a healthy baby, thankfully my third pregnancy was successful,
I’m sorry about your losses I know how utterly crap it is x
Hi I hope your ok. I had a miscarriage then my son, then a missed miscarriage found out at 12 week scan then a blighted ovum then have gone on to have my two girls. I know how much it hurts when you have miscarriages and hard but I think you will be ok xxx
Thank you all! Your stories make me feel so much better. I really appreciate it. It’s just all been so shocking. This miscarriage was months ago but finding out the cause has really thrown me for a loop.

Did any of you have the product of the miscarriage tested?

I think I am just mostly scared because my second loss had trisomy 6, which can be random, however, I am worried it could point to a balanced translocation as my first loss was a blighted ovum which is usually Caused by a chromosomal abnormality. It seems weird to me that I would have back to back abnormal chromosomes. I am awaiting my karyotype results but could take 2 - 3 months. Praying in the meantime!

did anyone else have karyotyping done?

Also would a trisomy mean that either of us just had a random damaged cell in our body? I am so confused by all of this and trying to understand!
One case of trisomy can be random or it can be caused by something else. It would only point to a condition if it happened multiple times so you’ll not know until you try and get pregnant again.

My cousin had a miscarriage due to Triploidy (3 sets of chromosomes instead of 2) and she has 3 healthy babies. Don’t stress. x
Thank you all for your replies! I took a break from here for awhile as i find I’m getting very sad about this situation, but I did want to share some good news. I got the genetic testing done on myself and I do not have any kind of translocation or problem with my chromosomes that they could find so it was most likely random.

Thank you again all of you, I was SO stressed for those test results and you really made me feel better.
brilliant news, I am so happy to read it
I know this is a kind of old thread. But gonna add my comment any way.

I had 6mcs then 2 children a girl & boy then had another mc as were trying for our third. Lots of people have MCs and many don't talk about it, people in your family could have suffered a mc but do not wish to talk about it. No one really knows why I had so many MCs, just shit luck maybe... I just hope I don't have anymore while TTC number 3.
I am sorry to read about your pregnancy loss, and congrats on your children

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