Trigger shot dh ill


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2017
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ladies as some of you may know I’m currently doing ovulation induction by way of Gonal f injections. This is my last month paid for (they do in 3 month bulks) before we either do another 3 months or move on to ivf.

I’m due to take my trigger shot on Sunday so I ovulate on Monday. But DH is very ill, he has an infection in his wisdom tooth that has moved into his sinuses, he is on very strong antibiotics and painkillers but still in so much pain we almost went to a&e last night.

Now I’m not even thinking about suggesting he dtd with me in this state I’m not some kind of monster. My question is, do you think I could delay my trigger for a couple of days to see if he was feeling better or maybe just not do it at all and use lh tests to see if I ovulate on my own? That way might be delayed enough to actually try this month. Or do you think I should just take my trigger and wait for my period as planned? It’s costs over £500 a month which is a lot of money to us to just waste completely.
So would you save £500 of you didn't have the trigger shot? If that's the case I'd definitely not have it. When we were trying to conceive our little boy I was on clomid and having trigger shots, which we were given a prescription for each month to get from the pharmacy to do ourselves. On the fourth month of this process the pharmacy had run out of the trigger shot and we couldn't get it anywhere so we didn't do it and that's the month we conceived! The trigger shot is just an added support and if you're follicle growth has been supported I think it's pretty unlikely for you not to ovulate on your own anyway xx
I think I’d not use it this month and use it next. If it costs so much money (I agree it is expensive!!) I would save it for next month and just let your body do it on it’s on this month. If you’re having induction anyway it should happen on its own.

Hope hubby feels better!
Thanks ladies, yes he’s feeling much better, he was on a very high dose of antibiotics and he started noticing a difference in only 24 hours, so much so he asked me to use the trigger anyway and give it ago. So should be ovulating tomorrow.

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