Tried and Tested Eviction tools!!

I think some things work if the baby is ready to come but if it isn't there is no budging it - trust me!!!

Walking, sex and clary sage are probably best. Wouldn't bother with hot curry unless you want extra heartburn and bowel movements!!! Xx
Thanks ladies!! I know that LO will come when they want to but I just wanted to see if there was anything to buy! Xx

Most mw's recommend taking RLT tablets or drinking it from about 36 weeks as it help prepare the uterus for labour. Research has shown that u could have a shorter 2nd stage (pushing) of labour from taking RLT.

I've tried bouncing on my ball, walking, dtd, clary sage and taking RLT and EPO and nothing yet! :( xx
What do you do with clary sage? On your body, in the bath? I'm not very good with homeopathy or anything!!

I think I'll start drinking one cup of RLT at at 34 weeks and then up it to two (if I like it that much, otherwise I'll switch to capsules) at 36 weeks, apparently it's safe enough to start after 32 weeks. I wouldn't expect it to bring labour on or anything but I like the fact it gets the uterus ready for an easy (ha!) labour.

I think it will just be ball bouncing for me, dh refuses to dtd, curry gives me bad heartburn, and no chance of long walks for me due to SPD. Other than that I will just be coaxing baby out, perhaps blackmail it with the promise of sweeties and toys :p xx
What do you do with clary sage? On your body, in the bath? I'm not very good with homeopathy or anything!!

I think I'll start drinking one cup of RLT at at 34 weeks and then up it to two (if I like it that much, otherwise I'll switch to capsules) at 36 weeks, apparently it's safe enough to start after 32 weeks. I wouldn't expect it to bring labour on or anything but I like the fact it gets the uterus ready for an easy (ha!) labour.

I think it will just be ball bouncing for me, dh refuses to dtd, curry gives me bad heartburn, and no chance of long walks for me due to SPD. Other than that I will just be coaxing baby out, perhaps blackmail it with the promise of sweeties and toys :p xx

Yes I have heard that a cup of RLT is fine from 32 weeks.... I will go a get some this weekend and maybe try it from next week. I like the fact that it is meant to be good for strengthening the uterus too!! xx
I've got rlt, clary sage oil that i've put onto bump with a massage base, and a few drops in the bath, i'm taking epo, bouncing on my ball, taking as long a walk as i can manage, and i had a curry last night lol.
Sorry for worrying people about the big macs ;) hehe if it works for any of you ladies we'll have to get them to patent it lol!!! Mc d's is a bit of a craving with me but like I said I don't like big Mac's!!!
I walked every day with my dog. Only day I didn't was last Friday as i had just got her groomed and it rained all day. Had raspberry leaf tea 3 times that week. Went into labour Saturday morning - 8 days early.
I planned loads and had a very large steak with lots of English mustard 2 days later on our anniversary and started my contractions that night!! Xx
How many cups of raspberry leaf tea are you supposed to have a day?? I've just got sonet, so having one now, but don't want to over do it! :confused:

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By the time you are 38 weeks you can drink about 5 a day xx
Clary sage oil in aqueous cream rubbed into belly is what started me off.........
i want to get some clary sage i heard castor oil is supposed to do in orange juice dont know how true it is
I'd avoid castor oil, it can make the baby poop whilst still inside you causing all sorts of issues. X

oh i didnt know that thanks for letting me know coz im wanting to try anything to get him out as i am in somuch pain with SPD and baby is all fine
Ladies I wouldn't bother with any of it! Baby will come (or not in my case) when ready.
When I was in tri 3 I was the queen of getting the baby out as he was due on Xmas eve and I was determined to not spend Xmas in hospital!

I was drinking RLT from 34 weeks to assist with labour and by DD was on 3 cups a day, had lots of currys, walked up a hill, clary sage bath stuff, pineapple, fennel tea, ball bouncing (CONSTANTLY there's a thread somewhere) epo and EPO inserted up the floof, DTD etc
I went 2 weeks over! None of it works and if it does I think it's coincidence!

Ok so mc Donald's theory tried. Finishing milkshake as we speak. Please baby start xxxx
I think I'm going to try everything even if they are old wives tales! As soon as he's full term I'll be having a mc d's milkshake and hot thai green curry for dinner...along with some pineapple, a walk and sex haha. Anything to end this discomfort!! At least I can say I tried!! xx

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