Transverse lie position - 30wks+5


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2017
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Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this and what it can mean? I'm conscious my baby is still across me at almost 31 weeks.
My baby was transverse from about 32-35 weeks, she then went head down at 36 weeks and still there now x
Yeah still plenty of time to turn. Have a google for things you can do to encourage it now. If still transverse at 36wks they might offer to try and turn baby x
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It's so bloody uncomfortable. I have resisted the urge to Google as no good ever comes of it lol. I only googled the correct name of the position. My midwife didn't mention it last week so I'm not worried as such, just always thought he'd be up or down not across x
Mine was transverse at my 31 week appt too, as others have said still loads of time to turn. I'm 33 weeks now and think she might have turned as my stomach feels different. They still have (just about!) enough room at this stage so don't worry about it just yet! X
I'm only 29 weeks and baby is also across me; midwife describe baby as 'using me like a hammock' lol. Glad to hear nothing to worry about yet x
How do you know? I can’t tell at all where the baby is!
How do you know? I can’t tell at all where the baby is!

Well I can only guess from where I feel the movement; I actually thought baby was more head down because I was getting kicks right up high at the top of my bump but now I have realised that the baby is still moving position a lot. Most commonly I get very intense movement around belly button height but at both sides at the same time so I imagine baby is laying with head one side and bottom the other and so I am feeling the hands and feet either side of my tummy!

TBH even the MW wasn't sure exactly where the head was when she palpated my tummy so sometimes even the experts aren't sure. I remember when I was 36+ week with DD that I could see her bum/back moving under my skin as she moved side to side! Now that's crazy xx
How do you know? I can’t tell at all where the baby is!

When i wake up, especially if i roll flat i can see him! Im literally all baby, it's like my skin is pulled over a newborn lol.

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