Totally lost appetite


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Some of u may remember that I was very sick on Saturday night/early hours of Sunday morning, projectile vomiting and diarrhea, which I put down to a dodgy chippy.
I was ok on Sunday just didn't have much of an appetite, and was sick again on Monday - not throwing up though.

But since then, I've not been 100% - I haven't got my appetite back at all. I eat now because I know I have to for my baby, but I'd be so happy to just not eat at all - which is so unlike me at the best of times, especially while pregnant.

I don't really want to call the midwife or anything because really, what can she do?! Lol. But I just hate feeling like this.
I suppose heartburn isn't helping at all either, which is constant atm no matter what I do. But seriously, I made chicken dippers and chips for dinner and ate 2 dippers and a handful of chips before I felt so full I had to stop.

I'm not really expecting a reply, cuz I know no1 can do anything for me, just really needed a good moan and hubby is out :( x
I know what you mean, my appetite has been rubbish lately. At antenatal class tonight the midwife said have a bigger lunch and smaller dinner to help with heartburn as when you are pregnant it takes 12 hours to digest food rather than the normal 4 hours. x
I'm not really expecting a reply, cuz I know no1 can do anything for me, just really needed a good moan and hubby is out :( x

It's so nice to have a bit of sympathy isn't it? That's why I posted about my rewire the other day :D

I hope your appetite picks up soon, hun - feeling rubbish always seems to be 10 times worse when you're pregnant!!!
know how you feel jayjay...I lost my appetite completely a few weeks back, just wasn't feeling right at all, think I may have had a virus or something. Appetite is ok now, I just feel so full all the time!!!
Hopefully it will pass for you soon!! Try eating little and often, light snacks rather than large meals x
I hope it picks up too, I'd be devastated if I lost my appetite for bacon :eek:, sorry see I am not helping. I am sure u will get better :) we're all here to support you
Thank u girls! Its lovely being able to moan and have people be supportive.
Hubby is home and I had a moan at him and he was just like 'aw...well I'm gonna go watch babylon a.d.' What would I do without him lol?!?! X
Sometimes it's our bodies way of protecting us if we've had a bad experience. Hope you feel back to your old self soon x

midwife said have a bigger lunch and smaller dinner to help with heartburn as when you are pregnant it takes 12 hours to digest food rather than the normal 4 hours. x

That makes total sense! Thanks for sharing, its brilliant advice.

Ah honey I lost my appetite towards end of pregnsncy because little one was pushing my stomach and gave me awful heartburn and made me feel really sick xxx
My appetite went away and I think it's because as the others have said - and the size of baby just compressing your stomach. I tend to eat small meals throughout the day and not worry if only manage a few mouthfuls of dinner. A long as you eating healthily and drinking plenty then it's all good xx
I know just how you feel. I am someone who usually loves food but recently it has felt like a struggle to eat much before I feel full up.

Don't know if it is pregnancy related or because of a horrible flu I had during my first trimester but I have lost almost all of my sense of smell - this is good in that I can't smell the dogs farts anymore but very bad when it comes to food. You definitely taste a lot of your food through smell. Bread tastes like perfume to me and so I have almost given up eating toast and sandwiches (bread was my favourite food before this!!). Now that I am getting full on so little food it is hard to force myself to eat when it all tastes yucky.

Luckily I have found sweet things taste very similar still - so I am munching on fruits through the day, but of course I am eating plenty of cakes and chocolate so my thighs are not thankfull and I am sure I will need 10 fillings after I give birth!!!
I have been feeling this way for a few days hun, I know I need to eat but food just does not appeal to me....

On the plus side.... 35 weeks therefore 35 days till our due dates! x
That's rubbish - hope you get it back soon, funny how in pregnancy we notice that we aren't feeling quite right but when you say it aloud it's like a list of small things which = feeling poo!!

Make sure you keep your fluids up though - or you'll end up on a drip like me!! lol
I've been finding eating and breathing (!) such a struggle this last week. I guess we're just running out of room to store these babies! I know what you mean that you're just eating cos you have to, apart from this morning when I woke up starving and really needing cereal for some reason, I usually find I have to force myself to have a full meal. It's a lot of effort and I feel ill afterwards, not helped by the heartburn and reflux. I just automatically drink gaviscon after ever meal and large snack now, I don't bother with the 'wait and see' that I used to. Pregnancy is becoming a real chore!! I keep telling bubs that he/she better be really REALLY good after all I've been through :p

Hope you feel better soon, and a bit of a tmi tip - try to go to the toilet before a meal to 'make room' ;) xx
This threads actually making me hungry....

Sorry ladies!! x
This threads actually making me hungry....

Sorry ladies!! x

I think you're either one way or another in pregnancy eh? Famished or totally put off your food. Never mind! xx
This threads actually making me hungry....

Sorry ladies!! x

I think you're either one way or another in pregnancy eh? Famished or totally put off your food. Never mind! xx

Can't win!! Although I'm sure it will be my turn soon! I hate it when you go out for tea or something, you're sat there and after about 3 mouthfuls you feel fit to burst! Gahhh! x
I am looking forward to having a normal appetite again soooo much!!! At the beginning of pregnancy I was just sick sick sick for what felt like months, even when that improved there was very little i wanted to eat and now I have a mouthful of food and feel like iv had a 3 course dinner. And everything i eat gives me indigestion and reflux. It mega sucks!!

Sorry if this doesn't make you feel any better jayjay but it's possible your at the stage when there's just no room in there for food anymore.
Hey JayJay,
I think it definately has something to do with being poorly because I'm the same and still haven't got my appetite back just eating for the sake of it. I feel absolutely shattered though and could sleep for ages.
Hope you're appetite comes back soon.xx
Thanks girlies.
I feel like all I've done this week is moan!!

I just don't feel like there's any room left for food with all the water I'm drinking and a wee fatty growing in there lol x

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