Torn or pulled muscle in upper abdomen?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2013
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I was wondering if anyone else has suffered a severe burning pain like a torn muscle in the top of the abdomen. I am 32 weeks so have quite a big bump now, but for the past 5/6 weeks I have been suffering with a pain at the top right hand side of my bump. The pain ranges from stabbing pains to a more prolonged burning sensation. It eases off when I sleep and rest and then comes back again when I am up and about moving during the day. It also absolutely kills me if I sneeze or cough. I told the midwife about it but she didn't seem to concerned and said I would just have to let it heal. I am a bit concerned as to what damage I have done, because I can't see it healing anytime soon and I don't want to strain it and cause further damage through pushing while I'm in labour. Anyone had a similar experience or got any ideas about what I have done?
I have had the same pain now for weeks, have been back and forth to doctors and mentioned to midwife too and they both think it's just indigestion. They've given me tablets and gaviscon and neither of them touch the pain. If I'm honest it's been getting worse and will be saying about it again as it's very uncomfortable. X
Is it near your middle? You have nerves running from your spine, between your ribs, all the way round to your breast bone. Maybe it's a trapped nerve? I find if you go to the docs and say I'm worried about something and I think it could be a,b or c they usually test for everything you've mentioned, especially if you can list the symptoms. I'm currently in physio for a suspected trapped nerve with the same kind of pain you mention, but I also have an ultrasound on my gallbladder on Monday to check it isn't gallstones as the pain is so excruciating sometimes. Both of you keep bothering your docs and be firm in what you think it is xx good luck xx
Thanks both. I will check all with the midwife again in a couple of weeks and ask for some tests x
I have the same pain thought it was badly bruised or something as it was so painfall when I sat or laid down like I had pulled a mussel anyway got took in hospital on sat for the day with other problems and the doctor who did a internal on me also checked my bump and when he got to the sore bit he asked how long have I had the pain I said few weeks and asked why I haven't seen anyone before, I said midwife weren't interested nor doctors anyway he said it was server acid build up and give me a prescription 1 tablet a day after 2 days it has not hurt since. they where called ranitidine just in case u wanted to know :) xx
I have the same thing 31 weeks had a MRI the pain is so bad and its starting on the other side it's a torn stomach muscle and Doc said it's only going to get worse cause baby still grow and stretching it and I have this cough that's making it worse as well. When to ER 3 times before someone did something....smh
i have had the same in my last pregnancy feeling like my muscle has ripped if i sneeze or moved wrong, they said it was ligament pain

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