Toothy question


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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My LO been teething months! Finly I can feel the sharp bit of a tooth that's broken through! So havnt bee. Telling everyone he's got a tooth just yet but that u cab feel it! Because you look there's nothing really to see! Anyways MIL was babysitting other night and felt it she said why hadn't I told her and I had!! Then I explained the above and she said "well I'd be telling everyone! That's what us mummys call teeth" I know I'm over sensitive but it upset me! As though I hadn't a clue! I'm totally not offended If u agree with MIL but just wondered what u guys classed as "a fully fledged tooth" ?? X
So sorry about my spelling my phone changes words! X
i would say when u can see it but its personal just let it go cause older family memebers usually think they know best lol and you know your baby the best even if they have had 20 kids xx
It's none of her business if you didn't want to say anything. Does she expect you to tell her when every tooth comes through?! Lol!
Charley's had a White dot on his gums for ages but I don't know if it's a tooth or not so haven't told anyone x.
Myself as soon as I can feel something I say they have a tooth as soon as it's broke through but ghat still dosent mean she can talk to you like you don't have a clue.
Just ignore her you do what you want with your baby and tell who you like xxx
It's none of her business if you didn't want to say anything. Does she expect you to tell her when every tooth comes through?! Lol!
Charley's had a White dot on his gums for ages but I don't know if it's a tooth or not so haven't told anyone x.

Herbie has two like that one spot is on top of his gum but the other is on the side so I dont think a tooth will be coming there, but I dunno what they are
I don't think it's a tooth now cos surely it'll would've come through by now! It's the one next to the bottom front tooth x.
Isla has a white dot next to her bottom right tooth, almost where the pointy tooth should be in an adults mouth.

As for your mil twinkle ignore her! I do! If there is nothing to see then there is no tooth x
I'd call it a tooth once it has broken through completely, but it's up to you when you tell people x
Once a tooth has broke through i say its a tooth But its Upto you Hun, no need for MIL to be like that :hugs: xx
Thsnks so much to you all of you for all your comments! Made me feel lots better ! Mixed responses too! I'm so pleased he has a tooth in whatever way we call it haha it's def coming! Hubby told MIL it upset me and she said again "well that is a tooth to us mummy's" like I'm not included in that! So I just said "I've obv a lot to learn then" :-( I need to learn not to be so sensitive!! Xx
Alisha cut her first tooth and what i mean by that is you can see a small white but sharp tooth thats growing out of the side of her gum and now we have also noticed diffrent parts of her gums you can see like white clumps think thats a sign there gonna come through.Shes teething to early her first one showed on my birthday in march and shes coming up to four months

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