Feeling pressured to let MIL look after LO

i can't believe your MIL showed up like that - well done you for standing your ground :hug: :hug: :hug:

we've only left connor twice, both times with my dad. we don't see him that often and on those 2 occasions OH and i have gone out to the pub with friends, and left connor with him for a couple of hours in the evening. we've never been far away, and my dad's a doctor (OH finds that reassuring, lol)

my MIL has asked us to leave connor with her a few times now, but TBH there just hasn't been the need. we don't have friends we want to go out with when we're there, and OH sees little enough of his son during the week as it is and doesn't generally want to go out and leave him at the weekends too. it puzzles me a little as to why she wants to spend time with him (without us) when she sees him pretty much every weekend anyway
Eek she sounds a nightmare - if I was you I'd get call minder on your phone so you can see who is phoning and only answer her calls sometimes not all the time. If she phones your mobile when you are out, dont answer, let it go to voicemail.

If she is just going to turn up and expect to attend things, then I would be inclined not to tell her all the stuff to do with the baby, so that she doesnt get the opportunity. Can you OH take a bit of a stronger stand with her as she's his mother?

I would just try and step back from her, dont answer all her calls especially if later in the evening, dont let her come round as often. If she just turns up - dont answer the door (unless she can see you!!!) It's actually quite rude just to turn up like that. It sounds as though she doesnt have any boundaries.

Maybe you can plan time with her and just stick to seeing her during that time but no more than that? :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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