

Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2010
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Is any1 else suffering from toothache ?? I would normally immediately reach for the paracetamol but have been told i cant ( or try to resist as long as possible...) well last night i almost broke as my tooth kept me awake all night long.... does any1 have any remedies for toothache (apart from the dentist which Im terrified of) because everything i have seen in supermarket says 'do not use if pregnant'?? any help would be appreciated. thanks
Tasha 89 in 3rd Tri has just posted a very similar question!! The paracetamol thing seems to be just dependant on what your GP and midwife's views are on medication rather than any hard and fast rule. I had to take paracetamol at the higher dose during tri 1, fairly often and was reassured it was safe, and in balance better for baby to have a mum in less pain taking paracetamol than distressed and taking nothing.

Here was my reply to Tasha89
You can take 1gram of paracetamol at a time, just no more than 4 grams in any 24 hours. Your normal tablets will only be 250 mg so see if you can get the stronger ones, usually just in the supermarket. You can have co-codamol instead of paracetamol but I think a pharmacist would be reluctant to give you it without having seen a Dr. But if you have an infection or something which is pressing or damaging the nerve then it might be quite difficult to keep that pain at bay since nerve pain can be a bit more difficult to calm. Good Luck!!! :hug:
i took paracetamol on all mine also the dentist shouldnt do any work when pregnant unless really needed even tho my old dentist did loads of work on me my new dentist will not
I also took paracetamol in my last pregnancy and was told it's perfectly safe as long as you don't take more than the recomended amount.
Hey, I have tonsilitis and im in total agony. I cant get any sleep and its so painful. My doc would rather not give me anti bs but said try paracetamol, although my baby book said to try and use it sparingly. It doesnt seem to be helping at all though! Megsmeadow im now worried that im in so much pain and not getting any sleep. Will this stress the baby? x
twinkle 84 have you tried dissolvable paracetomol to gargle in your throat it may help xx
twinkle84, I think it would take a lot of stress to have an impact on the baby, more than the baby will take even more energy and nutrients from you directly and drain you even more. I'm of the theory that avoiding medication at all costs doesn't do anything for your well-being, so you have to find a balance. So there has to be a bit of a compromise! The paracetamol might not be helping you for pain relief but might help to bring down a temperature if you are brewing one! It might be that you will eventually need the anti-biotics, some GP's would have given them straight away. I'm sorry if what I said scared you, certainly not intended that way. I have to take co-codamol now and there is a risk to my baby's lung development, albeit a small one. So I try to only take it when I need it but there's no point in not taking it and being in lots of pain when I can do something about it and bring my stress and pain levels down.
I'm not sure I'm explaining myself very well, but if you are in that amount of pain and it's not improving then I'd go back sooner than a week. No point in putting yourself through hell! If you turn the situation on it's head and say had hypothetically been diagnosed with a urine infection, you'd have probably been given anti-biotics straight away.
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Thanks Megsmeadow. Ive had some paracetamol and am no longer running a temp, just sore throat still. Had my scan today though and saw babs was completely fine, so feel better already xx
Ah the scan, a natural pain reliever!! I hope I didn't cause you too much worry, certainly wasn't my intention!!! Glad it went well, hope that throat clears up soon!!
No not at all, i worry all by myself. You were just being supportive. Yeah really cheered me up. Thanks xx
Glad your feeling a bit better Twinkle X
hi lucy. hows ur tooth now?? i'm a dental nurse and may be able to help?? whta sort of pain are u getting? is it keeping u awake at night?
paracetamol is safe during pregnancy. i think u shud defo go and see a dentist as it may be an absess and they could perscribe u some antibiotics to get rid of the infection.
or is it ur wisdom tooth coming through maybe?

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