Toothache - any advice??!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2005
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Back with another bloody moan!

Have got really bad toothache, not sure if its my wisdom tooth or one that has lost a filling but I haven't got a dentist and can't get one. Even private their is a 3 month waiting list for new patients. It's crap around here. Anyway, I've taken paracetamol and it's not touching it and wondered if anyone knew if there was anything else I could take? It's driving me mad. I know you can use clove oil to numb it but cloves make me feel really sick and with the sickness etc i've had lately I don't think I can handle any more. I've also tried an ice pack on my cheek but it just doesn't seem to be reaching it. Any suggestions???? PLEASE!!!!!!

Tan x
if you cant get a dentist and are in major pain then you could try casualty. A bit extreme maybe but if the pain is so bad you cant take it then you have to go.

Its a disgrace when you cant get a dentist if in pain.

I was going to suggest clove oil too but if it makes you sick then thats out,
thanks Lauramum. It is still killing me and i'm tenpted to cal NHS direct to se what they say. From looking online though it looks like the emergency dentist at the hospital round here is only 7pm-10.30pm so basically you can only have severe dental problems in the evening! It's such a bloody joke and I hate not knowing what to do about it. I reckon they should force all dental surgeries to take a certain proportion of NHS patients or they shouldn't allowed to practise. (Getting on my opinionated high horse now!!!)

Great, now the heartburn has started casue i'm getting stressed out!

Tan x
how goes the toothache now?? Its one of the worse things. :(
When preg with first baby I also had terrible toothache (had an absess) I went to a dental practise that just deals with people who don't have a dentist (if that makes sense). Might be worth ringing a dentist to see if you have similar in your area. Anyway treatment was free and I got in straight away.
Hope you get yours dealt with soon because there is noooo worse pain. I found my toothache more painful than childbirth!!!!!!!
Hello all,

feeling much better now thanks to a trip to the hospital! I managed to get an appointment with the emergency dentist (Yes - you have to make an appointment even in an emergency??!!) Anyway, she said it was where i'd lost my filling and it was all infected so she's packed it temporarily and given me antibiotics but wouldn't let me have anything stronger than paracetamol again. Now I have to ring around on Tuesday to try and find a dentist to take me on. It is such a joke with dentists in this area. There are only 4 individual dentists in the whole area that are NHS and they won't necessarily take patients on. All that and their on about needing another 8000+ homes in the area!!!

Tan x
Im glad you are a bit better. Someone surely has to take you on Tuesday.
I am hoping so. But last time I tried it was a straight forward "no, we've got no room." Useful hey?
I really feel for you. I got really bad toothache at about 9 weeks. Luckily we have a dental access centre in Hull, which is just for people who don't have a 'real' dentist (no chance around here!!). I had an infection under a damaged tooth, and they made an appointment for me to come back the following week to have it taken out. When I went back for the 2nd appointment, I saw a different dentist who wouldn't take it out because I was preggo (I had told the first one). He also said I have teeth that are very deeply rooted, so he'd have to refer me to someone who specialises in problem teeth. Best thing is, this specialist works one Sunday morning a month, 30 miles from here. Suffice to say, I'm now nearly 24 weeks, and still not heard anything!!! Touch wood, the pain hasn't come back in a while, but when I had it, I had to lie on the sofa with my face resting on a towel-wrapped hot water bottle. Not nice!!
i need to go to a dentist havnt been for a checkup in years...never needed fillings though and i guess im worried if i go they will find something wrong and put some brother had about 3 by the time he was like 12 and they always said i was fine....At least now i know how hard it really is to get a dentist on NHS. My midwife did warn me about that though.

I hope you sort something tan...and glad your a tad better :D

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