Took a test


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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when i had that really bad bleed an all that pain i decided to take a test to see if i was actually pregnant and it came back negative so now im thinking the docs were wrong but i just cudnt believe the amount of pain i was in when i was off like 2 months near enough an bled straight away it made me think i was pregnant an thought that OH still had swimmers.
I feel a right prat thinking i cud of been but my bodys all over the shop at the min but i do know that ive not had a period like that before only when i miscarried sept 09 it felt like that like loooooads of blood an small clots in the blood an ive never had blood clots in my blood not even in a period before so i dont no what my bodys playing at at the minute.
the pain has now gone just still slight bleeding now so im nearly off thank god.
I dont wana another peiod anytime soon if it got like that again :L.
Docs wudnt even check me to see if i had lost one or not.
Im left thinking that was a bad period i mean one that i had not in ages like the 2 months i wasnt on for so maybe my body is not back to normal yet since having tristan.
I dont like my body at the mo grr lol x
I think it takes a long time to get back to normal, and hormones wont settle down properly for maybe a year or so. Remember what's normal after having a baby might not have been what it was like beforehand. Chin up.

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