Too Soon :-(

We're hoping to have a home birth, and then just barricade ourselves in the house for a few days after our LO arrives. The only exception will be my OHs 2 boys, who will be visiting ASAP...unless they're here when it all happens! (When I say here, I mean upstairs in their room out of the way for the main event). Both our families live almost 200 miles away so don't have to worry about them being straight round, although I know my parents will want to visit as soon as we let them, which is fine, so long as they do wait for us to be ready. We don't really know many people round here either, so that's another thing not to worry about! (Who knew being a billy-no-mates could be a good thing!) Having said that, my OHs ex has expressed a wish to bring the boys round to see their baby brother/sister and suggested that she wanted to come in too (because we're all adults)! We both think she can go do one, as this is has nothing to do with her! What a weird thing to suggest? Anyhoo...

I'm hoping to breastfeed too, so am making no plans to go anywhere without the baby, I'm just going to see how it goes. I imagine I won't want to anyway for a very long time...(but don't hold me to that lol)

Depending on when LO makes an appearance, we may head to my parents for Christmas, but only if it arrives around the due date, everything is ok, and we feel that it won't mess with our routine to much. If we have any doubts, or a late arrival we'll stay at home. I'm not going to stress about it, just see how it goes.

It's hard to believe that people don't understand and want to do things their own way. This is your journey, be strong and make sure you do what feels right for you x
Your OH ex wants to come in and see the baby?!?!?! Is she fucking mental?

I would never ever in a million years allow that one. I presume we're not going to feel the most glamorous and attractive after the birth and seeing your OH ex would tip you over the hormonal edge! Well it would me. Be strong and firmly put that foot down.
Your OH ex wants to come in and see the baby?!?!?! Is she fucking mental?.

LOL!! Yes, I think that sums her up quite nicely - although with this request she really has surpassed herself. There is no way she'll be stepping inside this house, I won't just be putting my foot down, it'll gladly go other places if it needs to!!
Indigo - LOL !

I feel the same, a friend said to me last week.. oooh only about 6 weeks then we can go out on a night out again !! I was like.... 'what ? ' I cant just leave my baby as soon as I give birth ' and she was like' oh ur OH will be ok' !! Needless to say she doesnt have kids! crazy !!

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