Too fat!- rant


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2006
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:x :x This is my face at the moment- why am I so bloody fat?!

Im majorly unhappy, been dieting my ass off since having Scarlett but still no where near getting my figure back.

Im finding pregnancy weight so much harder to lose than regular weight- as Im doing weight watchers eating 23 points a day and normally it would fall off me but now Im only eating about 15 out of the 23 points allowance and its slower? HOW IS THIS?????????????

Last year I weighed 10st 9lb and 5'8'' went up to 14st in pregnancy but now I weigh 12.2lb and none of my old clothes (especially all my nice summer dresses) fit!!

I was a nice 10/12 last summer and now im a 14 but not even a proper 14 cos 14 trousers dont fit.

Its really getting me down- Im hungry all the time and for what, Im only 22 and feel Ive lost my body forever :cry:

Sorry rant over but my OH is getting fed up of me going on (your turn lol). I know there are worse things but its really getting me down
Aw! Cheer up hun. Scarlett's only little yet. And they say nine months on, nine months off. Don't beat yourself up about it. There are bound to be times when it plateaus while your metabolic rate adjusts. Give yourself time. I'm sure you'll be at your ideal weight soon.
I know but Im taking loads of metabolism boosting pills.. so frustrating :evil:
You need to eat all your points every day or you body goes into starvation mode and holds onto any fat more and wont give it up. the points are carefully worked out.

I know exactly what you mean about losing weight. I have struggled so much over the years (im a bit older that you). I joined slimming world last summer and found it really positive. I stopped around xmas time due to being pregnant (didnt see why i should pay when i knew i was gonna put weight on anyway) but intend to return when baby is a few weeks old.
Marymary said:
I know but Im taking loads of metabolism boosting pills.. so frustrating :evil:

Oh, and sorry to say (im saying to my sister all the time) i think they are a complete waste of money
tangerinedream said:
You need to eat all your points every day or you body goes into starvation mode and holds onto any fat more and wont give it up. the points are carefully worked out.

Was going to say the same thing, you have to eat all your points worth, I made the same mistake a few years back & wondered why I wasn't losing weight. Stick at it though & it will come off.
Hun, you have done really well to lose nearly 2stone in a month and a half
Give yourself time, it needs to come of slowly otherwise it will pile back on

I'll use me as an example i was 9 1/2 stone when i fell PG with Jack and i went up to 14 1/2
I didn't crash diet or anything just ate sensibly

I'm not sure what i weigh now about 10 at a guess and am a size 10

It just takes time, i mean it took 9 month to put it.....
I dieted after Jake was born and not a lot happened. I went back to work when Jake was 5 months old and since then (2 months) I have lost a stone. I think it is because I am doing more excercise now at work and eating healthy food (still some naughty stuff though). Don't eat less than you are allowed on Weight Watchers as it can actually make you put on more weight due to you being hungry so when you do eat your body holds on to the fat. Are you doing any excercise? If not I know it is soooo boring but it will help move the weight quicker. I have still got about 1 1/2 stone to lose but it's not just the weight as my stomach is still quite saggy and full of stretch marks. I just hate doing sit ups. Feel free to pm me or talk on this thread about how things are going. I know it is really depressing at first but you will get there in the end.
Marymary said:
:x :x This is my face at the moment- why am I so bloody fat?!

Im majorly unhappy, been dieting my ass off since having Scarlett but still no where near getting my figure back.

Im finding pregnancy weight so much harder to lose than regular weight- as Im doing weight watchers eating 23 points a day and normally it would fall off me but now Im only eating about 15 out of the 23 points allowance and its slower? HOW IS THIS?????????????

Last year I weighed 10st 9lb and 5'8'' went up to 14st in pregnancy but now I weigh 12.2lb and none of my old clothes (especially all my nice summer dresses) fit!!

I was a nice 10/12 last summer and now im a 14 but not even a proper 14 cos 14 trousers dont fit.

Its really getting me down- Im hungry all the time and for what, Im only 22 and feel Ive lost my body forever :cry:

Sorry rant over but my OH is getting fed up of me going on (your turn lol). I know there are worse things but its really getting me down

what do you expect? you have only just had a baby :shock:
Chill out
awwwww, Mary! :hug: :hug:

Unless your name is Victoria Beckham, Elizabeth Hurley, or Heidi Klum, you are not going to get your figure back after one month!

I know how you feel, I obsessed about it too, but relax, it WILL happen!

When you've just given birth your body feels as though it's been completely trashed, but take heart, it DOES get better!

I'm only just getting back to normal now after Sam and it's been four months........

Enjoy your LO ! :hug:
nicki said:
tangerinedream said:
You need to eat all your points every day or you body goes into starvation mode and holds onto any fat more and wont give it up. the points are carefully worked out.

Was going to say the same thing, you have to eat all your points worth, I made the same mistake a few years back & wondered why I wasn't losing weight. Stick at it though & it will come off.

I was going to say this too....if you don't eat all your points you won't loose as much weight. Mum and a friend of hers done it donkeys years ago, mum cut out the snack bits and her friend ate them - it was acutally her friend who lost more weight come the weigh in's!! Also up your excercise too, even just adding a walk to the shops daily or climb your house stairs a dozen times when you get a second to do it....all helps. It will come off, promise. I'll be joining you come September!!

I agree with the 9 months on 9 months off thing. After 6 weeks you are not going to be your pre-pregnancy weight - sorry and the truth is your body shape may have changed for ever.

However, I think exercies is a great idea - I have just starting exercising myself - not to loose weight just for fitness levels and I have to say it makes me feel great!! I think this may help with your confidence if nothing else.
Chill out a bit hunnie, give yourself a break :hug: :hug:

My youngest is 7 in August and I still haven't lost the weight :rotfl: :rotfl:

I'm only 4ft 11in and weigh 11stone....I look like the policeman off Noddy :roll:
I read this expecting to see that the baby was about 9 months old - not even 2 months? :shock:

You don't get your body back 6 weeks after giving birth. And only eating 15 points will mean that your body is holding onto those calories in panic mode. Plus you're probably tired all the time through starving. Chill out- enjoy your baby rather than worrying about food and your diet, take advantage of the fashion for smock tops and forget about your bikini this summer - it ain't going to happen :D

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