Too early!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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Hi everyone, I am 4dpo and have now got AF cramps :( I'm not due AF for 11 days so why would I get them so early? Does this mean AF is going to come early? :shakehead:
I thought implantation happened later nearer to when AF is due? :think:
I am also going to say implantation - you can get cramps, spotting (dont panic) and generally feel like af is coming - :pray: cherie22 is right for you!
I don't really know alot about implantation but when I was about the same dpo as you, I had af cramps after ov and because it was far too early I thought hang on a min, something is different :wink: So you never know.
Oh wow I have to try not get excited now :D I woke up gutted as I thought my body was preparing to have one mighty big AF with having cramp this early. I hope you're all right (and cheri22 too) :hug:
Hey there is no way your af would come this early. Keep calm! x
Take a look at my blog at 4dpo!!

Wednesday - 4 dpo

Woke up with stitch like pains when I got up this morning, almost to the point were it was very uncomfortable to bend over. I have a sore back around my sides and have dull cramps (like very mild period cramps). Head is still a bit sore but isn’t as bad as yesterday and I’ve also been very windy again. Slight pins & needle sensations on and off. Very bloated.

Thanks girls, I would love to believe its implantation cramp but I think its too early for that as I'm only 5dpo. Fingers crossed anyway :hug: :hug:
Hi Snuggle :wave: we are all so paranoid aren't we? I'm sure it will be good news for you, can feel it in my water :pray: doubt it would be af cramps this early in your cycle. Here's hoping I can join you as my af is due a couple days after yours! :dance:

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