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period type pains - don't understand


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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I have just finished my fertile days... so i'm now wiating for the dreaded AF to arrive or (hopefully) not arrive and I get a BFP... Not due AF for another 11 days so why am i getting period pains already... I have a 27/28 day cycle.... it's only early days... only just finsihed BDing! what is going on....

Me too Hayley, let's hope we're in the club together! :D
Also, I woke up at 3am this morning wretching.... wasn't sick though, weird. I think it's just another 1 or 2 weeks of imaginary symptoms for me!!! I always get my hopes up only to be disappointed (again!) so trying to put it at the back of my mind.
wow kim - are you 31 weeks pregnant already! that had flown by.... has it gone quick for you? I remeber you getting your BFP..

I feel cheated... i tried so hard this month! i'm only 5 or 6 days past ovulation and i have period pains already! i usually enjoy the 2 weeks post ovualtion dreaming of getting a BFP! now i feel like it's definately on its way and it's letting me know early on....

I tried to tell myself it might be implantation but its still too ealry for that i think... like i said i only ovulated wed/thu of last week....

Sam good luck - there is nothing wrong with wishing and imaginery symptoms.... it's giving us practice for the real ones..
I know I can't believe it , 2 months tomorrow I'm due. It's getting a bit scary now. I'm really sorry you're still waiting for your BFP, I feel bad that we were trying together and you haven't got it yet. Keep trying and good luck, you never know what this month holds until you get your AF, or hopefully a BFP!! :D :D
girls i dont want to get your hopes up but i had af cramping from 2 days after ovulation the month i got my bfp and it stayed till i was about 8 weeks fingers crossed for you sending a hurricane of baby dust your way xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hayley/ Sam

Did you do a pg test last month or did you just think that af was here so no point bothering??

I would do a test - I had the symptoms that you are describing when I was PG but didn't know it!! I had my blood test appointments booked and was worried sick that af was coming because of the cramps that I was getting, I also felt really hormonal and was extremely irritable. I didn't think that I could be pg because I had had my af, which wasn't a proper af but I didn't know that at the time.

Please do a test you never know you may ne pg but don't know it, if it happened to me it could happen to you guys too!!

Good Luck

I too had strong period pains before my BFP and they lasted a while. I thought I was going to come on, it wasn't until I went of feta cheese I thought there was something up. I really hipe this is your months girls, am keeping my fingers crossed for you both.
Hi Lindsey

I can't remember if I did a test or not... do that many! i think i did a test 2 days before AF was due... My last AF was quite heavy and painful... it was a weird one because it's never that heavy or bad...

Lindsey when you got your last AF (or what you thought was your last AF) was it like a real period? or was it just spotting? that is weird... my bestfriend was 10 weeks pregnant before she knew.. she wasn't trying and her period where never regular! it wasn't until after christmas that she went to the doctors because she didn't feel right.... We had been out drink over the whole christmas not knowing she was pregnant. her son was born 3 months ago - beautiful and healthy.

Hi Hayley

It was like any other af I have had, so I didn't think any differently. I am so pleased that I didn'tr know I was pg cos I would have been worried sick!!

Good Luck today at the docs - will be thinking of you!!


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