Too boisterous, becoming a handful!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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C is 9 months old today :love:

he's becoming a real handful though and I don't know how to calm him down. He hits people in the face, pulls my hair, and feeding time is just a complete nightmare. When bf'ing he fidgets and bites, and when in his high chair (we're combining blw and tw) he constantly tries to pull his clothes off, getting really angry when he can't, throws the food he feeds himself onto the floor and swipes any spoons that head his way. He always ends up upset :(

this morning we went to baby signing and it became apparent that some mums don't want their babies too close to him because he is so boisterous. I tell him to be gentle etc, and we do the sign and show him how to be nice but he just gets frustrated and fights to get to the other babies which would be ok if he didn't then scratch them or try to poke his eyes out. Seeing the other mums pull their babies away from him just made me want to cry :(

I don't know if I'm being too soft on him or something, on the whole he is a happy baby, is always smiling, chatting, clapping and kissing, he just seems to fly into these rages and can't control himself around other babies and always ends up hurting them. Does anyone elses LO do this? I don't know where I'm going wrong :(
Oh hun I don't know what to suggest. Kids need to come with a manual. :hugs:
I don't know what to suggest hun! Ella is ridiculously boisterous! She's just over friendly! She doesn't know where to draw the line with babies, she crouches down and gets right in their faces! When she was about his age, she used to try as stroke them, but would scratch and would try to pole their eyes out too!!
that's what he's doing i think, there's no aggression, he's just over friendly....he does get frustrated when I stop him from going to other babies, and I don't want to stop him socialising, but he's just too young to rationalise with :wall:
Ellas still to young to rationalise with now! I'm convinced she needs a straight jacket! If I tell her off, she laughs at me and then puts her chin on my knee/arm of the chair and flutters her eyelashes :lol: she has no common sense either! I have to put the dining chairs into the kitchen in the day now cos she climbs onto the table :shock: but the other day I'd got distracted and she fell off her chair and was screaming, cuddled her, put her down and she climbed ip again straight again :wall:
Ellas still to young to rationalise with now! I'm convinced she needs a straight jacket! If I tell her off, she laughs at me and then puts her chin on my knee/arm of the chair and flutters her eyelashes :lol: she has no common sense either! I have to put the dining chairs into the kitchen in the day now cos she climbs onto the table :shock: but the other day I'd got distracted and she fell off her chair and was screaming, cuddled her, put her down and she climbed ip again straight again :wall:

lol, there's just no telling them is there hehe! LO's nose has started running, so I'm hoping the problems we had this morning were because he perhaps wasn't feeling 100%. Plus he's teething, and he'd been awake since 4:30am (that's a WHOLE other story lol!)

I think I figured out why I was so upset too, he's such a bright spark, and the thought that I might have to try to temper it in order to fit in at baby group breaks my heart. He's my little man with his own curiosities, and he's just a baby, so doesn't know his own strength. He's so lovely, I just want him to be happy, always!!
I know what you mean! I really believe yhat you should embrace all their little quirks and things! It's what makes them them! I have moments with Ella, where she's literally head diving into beanbags for 1/2 hour at a time and doing other vloody crazy stuff and I think why should I stop her?! She could turn out to be an Olympic diver! Or the next ronaldo :lol: the only time i stop them is if they're going to hurt themselves! K's always shouting "Ella, no, get down, you hurt yourself!!"
Awww hun, no advice as ella isn't that old yet but didn't want to read and run. Its so hard when you can't rationalise x
I just can't stand the thought of him being misunderstood!! He's such a lovely baby, he's so affectionate and happy, but he's also very easily excited and only being 9 months old he doesn't know that he's capable of hurting anyone. I don't want people to think he's aggressive, or a bully (if there is such a thing at 9 months lol!) when he totally isn't, I know I sound like a gushing mummy, but he really is a lovely, lovely baby!
I don't think anyone would think that! Would I be right in assuming it's mainly first time mums? Just cos I remember with K I was so, so overprotective, I kinda kept her in a little bubble and was very wary of people/othe kids touching her! I'm kinda the same with her now! I'm the complete opposite with E tho! All my friends who have 2 are the same tho, you can't bubblewrap a 2nd child cos of their siblings! I'm not saying other kids need protecting from him, but some parents might have the whole cotton wool/bubble wrap thing going on! Dies that make any sense or am I chatting out my arse as usual?!
No, that makes sense! I don't really know if they're first time mums or not to be honest, I don't really fit in with them (they don't seem to have time for anyone who doesn't carry a designer handbag) so don't know them well enough to know if they've had kids before or not. It's not all of them either, it was just a couple this morning, in all fairness he did bop one of the babies on the head (meaning well I think!) and it was after that the first mum took her son away when C got close, and then another did too, even though he didn't do anything to her LO already.
Ugh don't get me started on designer handbag mummies! I'm quiet as a mouse in RL, but I had a blazing row with some woman who hit Katie round the head with her bag cos I wouldn't move out the way of the door! There were 2 doors and I was stood in a massive queue with s double buggy!!
I was always quiet as a mouse too, but I do find myself getting more and more vocal now, I'm becoming a militant mummy lol :lol: Woe betide anyone who hit C with a bag!
right, I'm off to my bed :)

Thanks for chatting to me about this, you've made me think maybe it's the other mummies that have the problem, not me / DS. OK so my baby doesn't just lie there and behave perfectly - he's bursting with character and as long as he's not being aggressive or malicious, I'm going to nurture that however I can :love:

thank you!
:love::love: seriously, all babies are different and some are more boisterous than others! I've had both, the one that is ridiculously placid, sits still all day and doesn't even cry if her toys ate out her reach, and the verging on ADHD :lol: and I'd honestly say, boisterous is better! Drives me insane, but she is SUCH a character! I'm sure C is the same xxx
He doesn't know what is right or wrong yet, he is just exploring and learning. Zac does not know the word gentle either, in baby group he always uses the other babies as objects to stand up on, and pulls hair/ grabs etc. All you can do is tell them no, move them away and show them how to be gentle. I'm sure he will learn eventually, I'm hoping zac is going to! X
I think we were just having a particularly bad day when I posted that first message :) He's had an absolute stinker of a cold and he probably wasn't feeling very well last time we went to playgroup as he started running a fever and having a really runny nose that night, which would explain why he had such a bad morning.

I think a lot of the problem is actually with me anyway, I don't fit in with the other mums and always feel like they look down on me. When I saw them judging Cahal too, I just about flipped my lid!

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