Too boisterous, becoming a handful!!

Oh inky I know what you mean there!!
I never go to any baby groups because I always feel uncomfortable and that they are looking down on me! I live in quite a rich area (tho I live in the crap bit of that area) but any baby groups are attended my mummys with banker husbands etc. I just feel like i want to slap them!
Don't stress about C hun, yeah if e was like 3, maybe worry about the bonking on kids heads lol. But he's not. My C never slaps or hits.... His is scratching! I genuinely don't think he knows what he's doing, and it's not his fault that no matte how we do his nails that they are like razor blades!!!
Sod em love. Hes a little character. Babies are babies. Xx
right, I'm off to my bed :)

Thanks for chatting to me about this, you've made me think maybe it's the other mummies that have the problem, not me / DS. OK so my baby doesn't just lie there and behave perfectly - he's bursting with character and as long as he's not being aggressive or malicious, I'm going to nurture that however I can :love:

thank you!

Of all my childminded children i've ever looked after (and there have been lots over the years) the only ones that stand out are the ones who had 'character'! I'd much rather look after a little one who is full of beans all the time than just sitting sweetly playing! Plus what 9 month old isn't heavy handed and doesn't try to pull your face off at any opportunity! :lol: x
Hi inky, thank you for posting this thread. My baby girl is almost 9 months and I'm finding the same thing. I wonder if it's something I'm doing or not doing, as she seems to be the only one of her peers like it. The other babies seem to enjoy quiet time with mum and cuddles. She has so much energy and gets incredibly frustrated if restrained at all (nappy change, high chair, being held too long), she just wants to be off exploring every waking moment. How did things go with your little one? Have they changed much as they've grown up?
Hi inky, thank you for posting this thread. My baby girl is almost 9 months and I'm finding the same thing. I wonder if it's something I'm doing or not doing, as she seems to be the only one of her peers like it. The other babies seem to enjoy quiet time with mum and cuddles. She has so much energy and gets incredibly frustrated if restrained at all (nappy change, high chair, being held too long), she just wants to be off exploring every waking moment. How did things go with your little one? Have they changed much as they've grown up?

Oh my this is Charlie all over :-/ hates being in his high chair for too long and only wants cuddles when drinking milk- which he's only recently been doing x

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Don't worry hun, I think this stage is perfectly natural. How is a 9 month old supposed to instinctively know that pinching or hair pulling hurts? Jax is exactly at this stage at the moment - he pulls my hair, pinches my face, grabs the cats tail and fur (the stupid things still love him and roll all over him though!!) and two days ago he even bit my leg. They will learn as time goes on and grow out of it. All we can do is try to teach them 'no' and to be gentle but at this age it's going to be a long road!! LOL.
god that just how toddlers are, there are some at groups i got to that steal alyssas toys and poke her/use her as a prop to stand with lol. i think its cute and they dont mean any harm, one hit her in the face with her own rattle once. theyre just learning how to interact with other kids and u just say no and show them how to be gentle, they'll get it eventually and im not upset with them when they mess with my baby lol
S is a nightmare with this!

She hair pulls, pinches, scratches hits, sometimes when you try to kiss her she hits you round the face!
We get one kiss each in the morning and that it! Sometimes another later on in the day if we are lucky.
I think its because we kissed her about a thousand times a day when she was a newborn so now she hates it!

I think it is just a stage. I certainly hope it is!
Sorry I've only just seen this thread was resurrected! Cahal is two in a few weeks time, and (I know I'm biased lol!) is one of the most generous, loving, sensitive toddlers I've known. He is still very boisterous, especially with daddy, but he does seem to understand that other children have limits in terms of how boisterous he can be with them, and he always 'tests the water' first so to speak.

He still won't sit still :) I love that about him though, he's so busy busy busy, eager to try new things and learn as much as he can about everything! Looking back he was a very frustrated baby, but even though he's more independent and able to do most things he wants to do, that spirit is still there.

I never did find myself fitting in with those moms either :lol:
Ur little man sounds lovely! I have a v inquisitive little man too but I don't make it to any groups at the mo coz of his nap times so don't know too much how he'd b in a big group but with my friends little boy the same age he has pulled his hair and poked his eyes- not aggressive like u say, just curious! My friends little boy didn't mind tho, they were just curious about each other! Maybe its just that the other babies r younger or r they girls? Might make a difference??? Bet if he was with another boy of same age and temperament they would b fine together- or with an older baby? Must b horrible if those other mummies were lifting their babies away- but could b the whole overprotective thing as said above! I think u r right to let him explore and socialise- maybe if u stay right with him when he's wanting to touch another baby and keep re-iterating being gentle and calmly stop him if he looks to b being a bit too boisterous he will gradually learn to b gentler? Take the same approach with how he is with u e.g. if he grabs ur hair just calmly remove it and say 'don't do that darling, that hurts' or something like that??? I know it must b hard but I think they really start to understand what we r trying to say at this age, so with a bit of repetition he may get it??? Not sure if I'm making sense but I am sure he is adorable and if other mummies don't understand then that's not ur fault hun xxx
Woops! Didn't realise this was an old thread resurrected!! He sounds like he's developed just fine! Funny how u can look back and understand their behaviour more in retrospect! Xx

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