Toddler teeth cleaning


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2011
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I've been battling with this one for a while but it recently reached a critical level where I noticed all kinds of yellow crud building up on the bottom front teeth particularly.

I have been using gentle approaches so far with songs, rewards, themed toothbrushes and toothpastes, finger toothbrushes, chewy toothbrushes, but in the end this week I started the "pinning down and just getting it done despite the howling approach". Her teeth look much better but now she is getting in a state even when I mention teeth and this morning she was inconsolable for 15mins afterwards too.

Do I just have to power through or is there something else to try. Ultimately she has to brush her teeth!
It was a battle with my son too. I resorted to pinning him down for a while.

He will now let me brush them with no fuss. We gradually got to it by letting him have a go at cleaning them first, then I will clean them. If he doesn't let me clean them he goes on time out step until he's ready to let me clean them. It's rare I have to resort to that anymore.

I don't battle with him on anything anymore. He goes on time out until he's ready to do as I ask.
We went through this with B but as soon as we changed from the mint toothpaste to the gel fruit one he's brushed his teeth no problems! I hate mint as well so takes after me!
We also did things like got him to choose his own toothbrush, got one with flashing lights so do a count down and races. You tube songs, sticker charts.
A routine helps so bath - teeth - story. Lots of praise for good brushing.
Started with just touching the brush on his tongue and progressing to whose got the cleanest teeth - mummy or daddy or B or teddy bear etc.
I was just clamping my son down and trying to get through it as quickly as possible. Last week I bought a BabySonic electric toothbrush and he absolutely loves it!!! I think it's just a phase they go through. My daughter was the same (although I never had to hold her down, we just had a lot of screaming!).
I have the same problem and it has been a daily battle for as long as I can remember! He also has white build up on his bottom teeth but the dentist said it wasn't a cause for concern. I'm at a loss I'm literally pinning him down! X
I find that if I let my lo clean my teeth at the same tine I can do his. I'm very wary of pinning him down as I don't want to traumatise him forever into hating cleaning his teeth x
There are apps u can get for kids to try and help with this. My nephew is 2 and his mum puts one on which sings a song and he gets his teeth brushed whilst the song is on and if he makes it to the end he gets to choose clothes etc for the toothbrush man as his reward...seems to work well
This seems to be a phase they go through! My daughter always loved having her teeth cleaned especially as when I had finished I would let her brush them herself too to make it into a special thing. For the last month or so she goes mental though and I have been having to pin her down too. As long as they get cleaned I will do it any way necessary. I figure she will grow out of this weird phase and atleast she isn't getting horrendous tooth decay in meantime :) She doesn't cry or anything though and is also a little monkey that likes to run away and hide at any kind of nappy change/getting dressed time etc too. Think it is a big fun game to her. I am also convinced she is teething at mo as she keeps chewing things on one side of her mouth where there is a gummy space so think maybe the toothbrush makes it more sore x
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Noahs going through this phase for a few months now.
Just spent a bit of money of a blinking electric one for him!
Let him pick it out (spider man) let him pick his own paste which was a mickey mouse bubble gum flavour.
Loves to play and pretend hes cleaning his teeth.
The 2nd it goes near his mouth he kicks off!!!! Lol.
Before this he had a normal tooth brush, then a george pig one.... Tried diff pastes. No luck lol! So i have to literally pin him down :(
Hes not long turned 2, doesnt really understand reward charts etc atm.
We sing a song 'this is the way we clean our teeth' which me loves. But doesnt go anywhere near his mouth lol
Thanks for all the replies, some great suggestions, and glad I'm not alone!!

Jess is a bit little for the rewards charts now, but the simple bribery that helps me through all other everyday stuff doesn't work for this!! If this is the only battle I have, then I'm ok with it, she's so good with everything else, and even helps me by bringing stuff to me as I'm such a heffalump at the moment :lol:

I'm going to compromise by going the easy route in the morning with the songs/ doing her teeth with me doing mine etc and let her figure it out and pinning down in the evenings before bed for now :roll:
There are apps u can get for kids to try and help with this. My nephew is 2 and his mum puts one on which sings a song and he gets his teeth brushed whilst the song is on and if he makes it to the end he gets to choose clothes etc for the toothbrush man as his reward...seems to work well
Thanks! That was a new information to me. :)
I wouldn't pin lo down to brush teeth as this will put them off having their teeth brushed.

We have a separate tooth brush with toothpaste on for him to hold / chew on. It doesn't always work for me to get the back but since he's teething he Chews the toothbrush near the back
I luckily haven't ever had any trouble brushing my daughter's teeth but I have seen many parents go through this and they all had to resort to pinning lo down. Its so important to get their teeth cleaned properly. None of them are traumatized and now (all 2.5 and older) happily brush their teeth no problem. It seems a phase quite a lot of toddlers go through before 2 xx
Jackson was always good with getting his teeth brushed as they do it in the nursery. Then he started having a hissy fit when I tried, but now I find he likes to do it himself, in the bath.... LOL.

They all have their little ways.

Just over one week into the new regimen and its working fine. I pin down after bath and give a good scrub to get rid of the crud, and she doesn't like it but no howling afterwards, she rinses herself and is already doing a much better job in the mornings doing it on her own.

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