Todays Sweep


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2011
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was unsuccessful unfortunately as my cervix is still closed. She said that it is really soft now though and is shorter - it was 2cm long last week and it's now 1cm long, so that's positive.

Next appt was booked, with consultant, for Thursday to discuss induction. As i am really keen to avoid being induced i asked if we could try another sweep before then and they have agreed to do one for me on Monday evening. The MW i seen was really nice and took her time to chat with me, i can honestly say she is the first one i've seen who didn't make me feel rushed!

Bit gutted it wasn't successful but other than that it was a good appt! xxx
Aw dee so frustrating for u! Gonna that things r going in the right direction and hopefully they will be able to do it on Monday and u can avoid induction

Ahh read this after your message! So gutting!! Let's hope Monday works!

How fustrating! I hope things go better on monday! x
Oh Dee what a shame. Glad u r back in for another on monday, fingers crossed that will work. Glad MW was lovely xxx
Aw sorry Hun. Monday may work for u tho! They tried a sweep with me on a Tuesday of one week and it was 'unfavourable' like u, the following Tuesday I was 2cm dilated and they managed a good sweep (Altho for me I don't think it's worked).

I know how u feel, I really hope LO arrives before they induce me on Sunday xx
Oh no - sorry it was unsuccessful again, fingers crossed for next weeks one. Get bouncing and getting jiggy this weekend if you can manage it, plus plenty of EPO capsues and I'll keep everything crossed for you, glad it went apart from that though xx
Hope you're ok hun. Glad mw was nice to you.x

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