I had my midwife appointment today and everything is fine
She also said that aslong as I get to 38 weeks and have no problems before my next appointment then I can have a homebirth
So im hoping now that this baby dosen't come before 38 weeks
Had my bloods taken today aswell and she said if anything is wrong then I will hear in about a week but if everything is ok then I'll get the results at my next appointment.
Im measuring a week bigger than my dates atm and babies hearbeat was fine
So it was a good appointment and im happy that im allowed a homebirth if baby stays put until 38 weeks

She also said that aslong as I get to 38 weeks and have no problems before my next appointment then I can have a homebirth

Had my bloods taken today aswell and she said if anything is wrong then I will hear in about a week but if everything is ok then I'll get the results at my next appointment.
Im measuring a week bigger than my dates atm and babies hearbeat was fine

So it was a good appointment and im happy that im allowed a homebirth if baby stays put until 38 weeks