Had my midwife appointment today and baby is fine
Strong heartbeat and measuring a week ahead again.
Baby is head down so that's good but he is back to back which she said is probably causing my back pain and it can make labour longer
Im still ok for my homebirth
Just hoping baby gets to 38 weeks now so I can have one. I only have to go back to the clinic now once at 35 weeks then they will come to the house at 37 weeks to drop off my homebirth stuff and do my appointment here
She said I've got to buy 2 shower curtains for homebirth and pick a room with plenty of space. She said that as soon as I go into labour to phone labour ward and they will then phone the 2 midwifes who will then come to my house
so she covered the basics of what will happen but said she will discuss it even further with me at my next appointment
So im pleased with how the whole appointment went but abit worried about baby being back to back

Baby is head down so that's good but he is back to back which she said is probably causing my back pain and it can make labour longer

Im still ok for my homebirth

So im pleased with how the whole appointment went but abit worried about baby being back to back