Todays midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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Well my bump hasn't grown anymore, still measuring 38cm's, Lucas is 3/5ths engaged and in the right position. Heart beat strong and moving plenty.

Not so good news for me tho. +protein and glucose in urine and high blood pressure, hands and feet swollen and been seeing spots :wall2: The midwife is coming out to see me at home on saturday to check me again but if i have any headaches or anymore visual disturbances in the mean time i have to ring delivery sweet. I have been told to rest, a bit difficult with a baby like, but i will do my best xx
Glad bubs is okay!! Hope everything goes well for you saturday x
Hope you're ok chick and manage to get a bit of rest if at all possible xx
Oh Toon! What does all that mean for you then? Hope its not the start of something? I know its hard with another LO but try and get your feet up xx
Oh Hun really hope it all settles down :hug:

This os the one time you need to do as advised and rest :hug:
:hug: sorry to hear that hun! Put your feet up and try not to get too excited about Sids arrival!
Good news about baby :)
Put your feet up and rest hun. You need to take care of yourself. :hug:
:hug: Hope you're ok and you do manage to get some rest x x
Thanks ladies, i'm doing my best to keep my feet up!

Oh Toon! What does all that mean for you then? Hope its not the start of something? I know its hard with another LO but try and get your feet up xx

The midwife said it could be the start of pre-eclampsia hun, thats why they are keeping an eye on me. She said i will need my urine and blood pressure checked every 3-4 days. I just wish he was here now to be honest. The last few weeks have been a right roller coaster, plus i have thrush again :wall2: I just want to feel like me again, and start life as a complete family. xx
hey toon, glad to hear everything is alright with buba! :dance:hope you feel better though, make OH do all the work and you put your feet up :D xxxxx:love:
Fat chance of that!! He's not well..........for a change!!! He thinks he has caught jacobs bug, strange that, seen as i delt with all the sick and poop and he has hardly touched him in a week. So he is laid on the sofa under a quilt twisting his face and moaning while i have ran around like a tit. I've just got sat down xx
Keep those feet up hun and try not to get too down about the way your feeling. Lucas will be here before you know it xxxx
Poor you Toon OH really should be pulling his finger out - maybe hes getting all attention he can get b4 babe comes along cos he knows he ain't gonna get any for a while after! Hope its not pre eclampsia hun, but make sure you keep close eye onsymptoms and keep on to mw if you feel they are not doing enough x
:O! *throws stuff at your OH toon* he needs to get over his man flu, and you need to remind him you're carrying a minature him so he better let you put your feet up as he should know he's hard work!!!! lmao. keep rested! if you over work yourself it's not good for you especially as due dates are drawing near!!! xxxxxxx
Thanks ladies, i'm doing my best to keep my feet up!

Oh Toon! What does all that mean for you then? Hope its not the start of something? I know its hard with another LO but try and get your feet up xx

The midwife said it could be the start of pre-eclampsia hun, thats why they are keeping an eye on me. She said i will need my urine and blood pressure checked every 3-4 days. I just wish he was here now to be honest. The last few weeks have been a right roller coaster, plus i have thrush again :wall2: I just want to feel like me again, and start life as a complete family. xx

I absolutely wish I could help you out hun! I cant believe the thrush is back, you poor thing. It will soon be over for you, you will have bubs in your arms and be able to feel normal again in less than a month :hug:
Oh Toon sorry to hear about bp etc, I hope everything is back to normal on Saturday!! Must be hard being told to relax all the time only to find that you can't, hopefully your OH will feel better soon and help with Jacob so you can put your feet up and......relax!
:hug: tell your OH to pull his finger out! i hope your BP and all that goes down, keep us updated on saturday what the mw says xx
Midwife came out this morning and there is still protein in my wee and i still have raised BP although not as high as it was the other day. I have been given the same instructions. Rest as much as possible and to contact MW or delivery sweet if i have any severe headaches or visual disturbances xx

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