Today I am proud of...

Thanks GG :)

I started weaning her about 4 weeks ago maybe 5 weeks now. Started at 3 and a half months due to doctors advice. She loves it! Although when I first started I wouldn't have said she was ready for it x

hun we've been recommended the same how did you find it and what did you start with. xxxxxxxx
He is and the good thing is we can see it :) I'm so relieved xxx
Today I am proud of my boy in general. He has def started teething and is in south pain with it but is still a happy smiley little man. I hate seeing him in pain but he's really taking it on the chin like a brave boy! Teething granules are amazing too! Xx
Yesterday I was proud of my little guy for so many things, he has made his mmmmmma sound into a mama sound (I cried), he tried to put a shape in a hole in his shape sorter and he grabbed a moving ball held it, looked at it and put it back in the same place he found it!! I was impressed!!

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