im so proud of adam! he looked after alice on his own friday night when i was in hospital (my dad took me so we didn't have to worry about alice being in hospital).
it was the first night i was away from alice, and i was more worried about how adam was going to cope that alice! he said he got next to no sleep and alice was awake most of the night, but he did really well! i tend to look after alice 90% of the time, and i really didn't know how he would manage without me to pass alice back to.
makes me a lot happier about this opp im due, knowing that i don't hvae to worry about the pair of them
just too proud
it was the first night i was away from alice, and i was more worried about how adam was going to cope that alice! he said he got next to no sleep and alice was awake most of the night, but he did really well! i tend to look after alice 90% of the time, and i really didn't know how he would manage without me to pass alice back to.
makes me a lot happier about this opp im due, knowing that i don't hvae to worry about the pair of them

just too proud