To The Child I'll Never Know - by Gloria Dianne


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Apr 30, 2012
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I have been having a really hard time trying to put into words how I feel at the moment and I stumbled across the below poem which says exactly how I feel right now. Hope this helps someone else too x

To The Child I'll Never Know - by Gloria Dianne

How can I say Good Bye
When I barely said Hello,
Why does my heart grieve
For the child I'll never know?

You were a part of me
For just a little while.
I grieve because I'll never see
The magic in your smile.

I grieve for all the unsaid words
That you will never say.
I grieve that I will never see
You happily at play.

I grieve for all the lullabies
That will remain unsung.
I grieve because I'll never see
Your face gleaming like the sun.

I grieve because you will never know
The comfort of my touch.
I grieve because you will never know
That you were loved so much.

I grieve for all the tomorrows
That will never be.
I grieve because God chose
To take you back from me.

You live among the Angels now
Your earthly mission done,
You will be so dearly missed
Good-Bye my little one.
Just brought tears to my eyes, a lovely poem , thank you xx
Oh jeez there go the waterworks..

Lovely poem x x
Beautiful poem had me in tears reading it.

It is a gorgeous poem isn't it? Feeling very down today and finding it so difficult to make people understand how I feel as I can't even begin to put my pain in to words so when I found this it really resonated with me.

I had a good couple of days where I felt a bit more upbeat but today I feel back to square one - I should have joined second trimester this week and I just feel so robbed and jaded. It's made worse by OH not wanting to try again anytime soon, I am in full on mummy mode and don't know how to go back to just being me. I want so badly to have a child of my own, it's killing me :(
that is beautiful its given me goosebumps everywhere! it hits the nail hard on the head for me and many others im sure, thanx for sharing this :hug:
I'm not normally an emotional person but WOW! The tears are in full flow now, what a beautiful poem x
That poem is beautiful xx this is one we had read at our sons funeral that I like too

Little Snowdrop - Author Unknown

The world may never notice
If a Snowdrop doesn't bloom,
Or even pause to wonder
If the petals fall too soon.

But every life that ever forms,
Or ever comes to be,
Touches the world in some small way
For all eternity.

The little one we longed for
Was swiftly here and gone.
But the love that was then planted
Is a light that still shines on.

And though our arms are empty,
Our hearts know what to do.
For every beating of our hearts
Says that we love you.
That's a lovely poem Claire and a beautiful tribute to your little boy x
awww these are so lovely, gave me goosebumps! i think others should add poems too if you seem them!
I agree Lynette, I think a thread full of poems would be lovely :) x
OMG, what a beautiful poem!!

I can't stop crying now x

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