To exit the building you need to head SOUTH baby, not north!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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Been getting a little more uncomfy over the past couple of days and bending over is hard work. The whole time I've been pregnant my bump has been pretty evenly firm, and tonight I've noticed that that bottom of my belly has now gone soft and wobbly while the top is getting rock hard!!! This baby feels like its trying to climb out of mouth!!!!!!!!! lol. Other than bouncing on my ball, what can I do to persuade baby that the emergency exit is south!!???
My bump is horrid at the bottom. It's saggy and wobbly and feels a bit like cellulite. My baby is definitely head down though so maybe yours is too?

I get most of the movements high up as well which I can only imagine is baby's legs and bum?
I'm gutted as baby has been in the perfect position since 28 weeks - now have a sneaking suspicion that its gone back to back!! Am going to hit the ball hard in the hope of shifting it!! The saggy tummy feeling is awful - am worried about what it's going to feel like when baby has left the building!!!
My belly is soft at the bottom too. LO is head down!
I'm worried about this as well :( its all lumpy and horrible.

Having said that, when the time comes to it it's probably going to be the least of our worries!!

Do you get a little bum sticking out past your belly button? That's how I know nugget is head down.

I think it is recommended that you sit forward and maintain a good posture if baby is in the wrong position to encourage it to face the right way
Yeah, have had a change is position in terms of where body parts are sticking out since yesterday which is what has made me suspicious! My sister in law is a MSW and she has been telling me since about wk 16 that I should be sitting the wrong way round on a kitchen chair to encourage it into the right position! Have also spent some time on all fours tonight hanging over my ball. Hopefully still plenty of time for it to keep shifting over the next couple of weeks. Midwife on Thu so she might be able to have a feel and see where it is. Just don't want a back to back labour - they always seem so painful on OBEM and people's birth announcements on here!!!
Don't worry too much hun, still time to move LO!!
Get on all fours helly or on your knees over the top of your ball although I find this way uncomfortable. My nephew turned back to back during labour and got stuck so I am going on all fours to give birth to help stop that happening. It makes sense cos I think that's how I conceived as well :D xxxxxxxxx

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