to drink or not to drink?

Kay Kay

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2011
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I finally got a positive opk yesterday (cd 22) after peeing on sticks from cd 12. This means a 37/38 day cycle for me this month, not very happy with this cos I thought they had regulated to about 30 days after my acupuncture :roll: But just relieved I have ov tbh.

Anyway, the good news is I won't have AF on my hols, hurray! I go next Saturday so I will be 7dpo by then. My question is how bad would it be for me to have a few drinks on holiday? Would it effect implantation at all?

I have been really good and hardly drank any alcohol in ages, mainly down to the diet I'm on (lost 9lbs so far, very chuffed!). But also for ttc purposes. OH also cut back but has had the odd indulgence (well, more than me anyway).

I hate feeling guilty about drinking, I want to relax, have a few wines and cocktails but don't want to ruin my chances :shakehead: What do yous think??
I think so long as your not getting blasted every night its not unreasonable to have a well chosen cocktail on your holidays. When I looked into this last year, I came to the conclusion that before you get a BFP the baby is not connected to you and is feeding off the womb lining that has built up. That or itt is a ball of cells floating down a tube... (have you seen the pregnology pictures??). While you are doing the right thing drinking minimally in the "normal" run of things, I think a few drinks on holiday ok... I know there are people who disagree with this and it is contrary to the offical advice of less than 5 units per week when ttc but "relaxing" (which is what everyone says to do) comes at its price!! Have a happy holidays xx
Go for it! Just don't get plastered. I'm sick of not doing things 'just in case' but in this case there really won't be any harm. It will help u relax as well. Where r u off too?
I drank on holiday not realising I was pregnant and I was fine. I continued to drink the week before I found out and it tasted vile. If you find you suddenly go off it that may be why. Our bodies have a way of deciding for us! Xx
i would say go for it deffo let your self have a few xxxxxxxxxxxx
Kay Kay my advice is to go and relax. This is what holidays are for! And you deserve a really chilled out time away.
A few glasses of wine after a day of sun will chill you out. My cousin gave up drinking totally for 2 years and it made no difference at all. As long as you are not getting smashed every night then I would not worry xxx
Go and have fun and hopefully you will bring baby Kay Kay back with you....

Love Gizzy xxxxx
Im planning to go on hol in two weeks and defo planning on having a few as i gave up drinking a little while ago but now im thinking whats the point, im not guna go mad but its my holiday its time to forget ttc and relax.

Where you going to?? I cant decide but im thinking spain.

Michelle. x
Thanks girls, you are right it will relax me. Just needed reassurance. I don't drink to excess any more, those days are over for me. Were off to Portugal with our friends 2 other couples, getting a villa with our own pool so don't need to stress about other peoples kids screaming and being annoying lol. I'm so excited! Xxx
Have a fab time hun, and I agree with the others xxx
You may find a more relaxed after a drink or two will make for a more relaxed ttc while away - enjoy , villa sounds brilliant X
Hey hun I'd say have a few drinks too. I hear of people drinking then finding out pregnant and all is fine. Go enjoy your hols and relax. Where are you off too x
Hey Honey, have an absolute ball and relax and have a drink! Xxx
Ohhh I am jealous sounds fab. I agree with the others a few glasses of the good stuff wont do you any harm ;)
I don't think it will make the blindest bit of difference. Just keep hydrated :)
Sound lush kaykay, we have just booked 5 nights all inclusive to spain not far from barcelona cant wait to go already. 12 more sleeps lol. Im defo guna have a drink!!

Have a fab time hun.

Michelle. x
Aww Michelle that sounds fab! Have a great time, enjoy a few pina coladas and sangria yum xxx

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