

Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2012
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What's wrong with me?!!
All I seem to be doing at the moment is pooing!
I mean twice a day is extortionate for me! I'm normally a once or twice a week girl...

Keep getting massive poop pains in my tummy then I need to go, then I get it later....
It's like u got a tummy bug but my poops are fine :/...

Anyone else has this?!

YES!!! this is me need to go morning and nite if not terrible tummy pains :/ makes me feel sick as well
YES!!!! I find I'm quite bloated as well so get cramps to go with it and have to sit on the toilet till I either poo or fart!
My husband keeps shouting " are you in labour or having another poo?!"
Oh the dignity!
So glad it's not just me!! At least
So glad I'm not the only one!

I can't work out if it's Braxton hicks or not?
It's like awful pains like when u have food poisoning all over my tummy which makes me feel sick n need to poop?!
But my poops are normal lol!
If they were like the runs I could understand the pains but theyre not! Lol

Yes, in the past week I've had this :/ soooo much wind too lol xx
I'm usually a once twice a week girl however in pregnancy I poop constantly. Have tried changing diet, skipping chocolate but nothing helps, just gotta wait til bambino arrives til I get back to normal. Andrex sales go up! xxx
I've been pooping loads too! Not been getting stomach pains though, just total discomfort. Glad I'm not the only one xxx
I am tired of peeing to be fair but not having the massive poop problem :o

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