In the last month I've had my uti (which threatened to come back, except I'm drinking Britain's supply of cranberry juice...), and then last week I had a cold and a nasty tummy bug with diarrhea over this weekend just gone. I can feel baby trundling around in there, and I have my 28 week check-up on Thursday. I don't feel particularly worried as these are all minor complaints, but I was wondering if I should go to the drs before then? My tummy is getting better, I've got some pains but I reckon it's just trapped wind (sorry if tmi ). The tummy bug is a bit embarrassing - the first time I cook a meal for my in laws and me and my mum-in-law get the runs Dont think it was the food though, as my dad-in-law and hubby are fine, although OH reckons he's getting it today, which is a bit late for a meal eaten on Saturday. All I did was roast potatoes and veges - I'm a vegetarian and have never really eaten meat or more importantly cooked it so I wasn't about to start cooking meat for them lol. Mainly because I wouldn't want to poison them *sigh* Sorry getting away from the point there....