TMI Warts/skin Tags

crossed fingers its gone down a lot maybe it will go haha x
I had little skin tags around my boobs when I was pregnant but they just went away on their own after the birth so have hope!
I have a skin tag on my areola (sp?) And one right on the end of my nipple! :shock:

These only cropped up since I became preggers.

They are only tiny though and I have had one on my areola before when I was a teenager. When I went to the docs about it, she said to tie a piece of cotton around it really tight to cut off the blood supply and it just dropped off.

I wonder if it hormone related? After all who has more hormones than a teenage girl or a pregnant woman?

It had tO be the surge of hormones, it's sad what gross stuff we put up with lol x
anyone else had this since i last posted?

I have grown bits on my bits :( I'm a bit embarrassed about it, midwife said I had to make a doctor's appointment about it but I don't want to!! xx
Ye mine have gone down a lot , are yours bad,? Wish there was something to get rid of them xx
This has solved my curiosity! Just the other day I noticed I'd developed loads of skin tags underneath my left arm. I've had the odd one or two in the past but was really baffled as to where these had come from all of a sudden, I didn't know it could be a symptom of pregnancy! So thankyou all! x
I too have a couple of my lady bits, these have only appeared since being pregnant xx
They say that 80% of the population has the hpv but it comes out more when your pregnant :/
Nothing apparently they go away after birth, where are yours? X
i have a skin tag in a very unpleasent place, been told to tie cotton round it to cut off blood supply and within a week it drops off, it worked for one of mine, am yet to do the other one though doesnt hurt so try it on your daughter x x x

No! Don't do this!! I'm sure that they are just harmless skin tags, but dont self treat them!!! Get them seen to properly, as you could put yourself at risk of infection or anything, and should they be something to be concerned about (which I'm sure they're not) then you wouldn't know, as each thing that's removed from the skin is sent to the path lab for testing.

They say that 80% of the population has the hpv but it comes out more when your pregnant :/

Any idea what they can do?

Unfortunately not alot during pregnancy. And tbh, if they are just skin tags and show no reason for concern then there's probably still not a lot you can do about them. Yes they can be frozen/removed/shaved off, but commonly aren't due to funding and which NHS trust you fall into.

I currently work on the Dermotology unit at our local hospital and skin tags aren't even considered for removal, as they are harmless benign skin problems so are seen as a cosmetic problem, which isn't treated. Some GPs may decide to freeze them in their surgery as they have a different budget to the hospitals. If you were to be referred then they more than likely wouldn't, and tbh having them excised can leave a much bigger scar than the skin tag.

Please don't be embarrased to go see your MW / GP about them - I know it's a cliche, but they honestly have seen it all before!! We saw a man in clinic today who had to have something removed from his willy, and yes he must've been very embarrassed, but was worth it to know that it was nothing sinister.

I haven't noticed any skin tags as of yet, I hope I don't get any but if I do, I do! I suppose once these babies are here, we'll be like new women and unrecogniseable!! No more leaky boobs, tena ladies and all that comes with pregnancy! The joys! x

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