TMI warning..


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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So it seems my body is having a clear out, I have been having really soft squidgy poop that is border line solid / diarrhoea...

I'm concerned that it might harm baby and I am not sure what's caused it either as OH has eaten the same stuff and he is fine :roll:

At what stage should I be careful in respects to the baby, I haven;t had this before so I don't know? Baby is still moving fine just makes my belly hurt when he does..

It's making me feel rotten as well whatever it is, I feel pukey and horrible :(

Sorry for the whinge, I hate being ill

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aww bless ya hun, if its any consolation i have been 4 times today although not soft or anything just pretty bog standard turds (excuse the pun) :rofl: i wouldnt worry about it too much!
I just rung mum as i've been having some tightenings and pain in my lower back and period type cramps coming on every 3 mins, they seem to have tapered off now thankfully but she has ordered me to rest and ring her back for the hospital if they get any worse :shock: crikey!!! ya worry in tri 1 and get to tri 3 and worry some more!

Try not to worry too much hon. I had the same a few weeks back, it seemed to go on for ages. My Dr said as long as I don't get dehydrated it's fine, so just drink plenty of water.

I think i've also read somewhere that if you've got a tummy bug it can't be passed to the baby?? I'm sure someone will be able to confirm that, I may even have read it on here.

Get well soon :hug:
I had this on monday i think i went like 3 times in the space of a couple hours and felt really sick, the sicky feeling keep coming back too x
i have had this for a few weeks now hunni, as long as you drink plenty of water and sit down every so often you will be fine. and so will baby but if you are still worried talk to your doctor. best thing try and cud out food high in acids like some fruit x x x
I did read somewhere that your body has a clearout of poop before you go into labour, it's natures way of clearing you out or something!

But hey what do I know!! Lol :p.

Hope you feel better soon xxx
I've been similar. Had back ache for 2 days, went the loo 3 times yesterday ( normaliy just once and hard) these where soft. I feel a bit sick this morning, also belly has been sooooo tight the last few days and when baby moves it hurts.
oh hun

hope ur feeling better and remember to stay hydrated as it will help loads, as if u become dehydrated you feel much worse and may need to see a doctor or someone then :hugs:xxx
Having the same as a few of you ladies are mentioning here too! For the past 3 days I've been to the toilet at least twice!
Also I woke up yesterday and I felt as though I'd been doing sit ups all night in my sleep my entire torso area and belly mostly was aching to high heaven! All day and night and still now. It hurts quite a bit when baby is moving now which is pretty much non stop and my belly just feels so so tight!!
Last night my back began to get so stiff and painful to the point I was swaying back and forth to soothe and even putting breathing to the test! ha I definitely feel it's the start of much more to come, not long to go now I hope! Never felt so uncomfortable!

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