TMI - Toileting after C-section


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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After my c-sec i was in hospital for 5 days.. When i was discharged i still hadnt needed a number 2.. so they gave me lactulose to get things moving.

Well now i need to go.. and its.. -there- .. but its stuck :roll: I dont wanna push cause im scared of doing damage to the incision somewhere.. but its gotta come out.. lol help?
guna have to get your hands there huni! useboth hands and push the skin either side off the hole, i couldnt do one for like 4 days after codie, and i had major tearage down there so was also scared! it might hurt a little as i bet its the size of a tree trunk mine was!! good luck hun!!
i didnt go for 8 days after having layla... but had the opposite problem! but even now my stitches have gone i get scared when i need a poop coz its painful... hope it stops soon!

good luck hun!

next step is to get alanna to sleep for more than 5 minutes at a time.. she is dead fussy tonight lol i haavent been able to put her down for more than a minute or so for the last 4 hours! let alone goto the loo :wall:
Omg I remember whispering to the midwives "I daren't go for a poo in case I split my stitches!" they said it's all tight and well put back together and to take it easy.

You'll be fine, have you any natural laxatives? Like liquorish? Put her in her bouncy chair and take her with you x
Lmao thats what i ended up doing! Took her donut cushion and took her with me! My god.. That hurt >.< Tore something somewhere down below though, eugh blood.
.... Not that I had a c sec.... But after 3rd deg tear x
Ack still hurts this morning Lol!

Does anyone know a good softener (not laxative) that im allowed while breastfeeding? turns out i cant have the one i bought even though it was "Natural Remedies!" And cant stand prune juice >.<
Excessive amounts of milk and weetabix do it for me. Within the hour after I've eaten it! I remember needing to go after my first boy and crying on the loo having to call my mum! :-( NOT looking forward to that part again at all! Congratulations by the way! Xxxx
Have you tried Fybogel, it's an orange flavoured fibre drink you can get from the chemist. It helps you go naturally but you have to try and drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated and things moving along.
Yeah fibre bulks things up heh and i dont want somethin to make me go.. just make it softer when i do heh
Fatty foods usually do it for me, but drastic to eat junk after a baby, but if it gets you past this week!
pure orange juice helps!!! i used lactulose but again you have to drink plenty otherwise you end up not being able to get off the loo!! I had a tear not a c section though!!

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