Tmi! Ow horrendous clit pain!


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2013
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My baby was born on the 18th and about 3 days ago I started getting the sensation that my clit is being squeezed if I'm in a certain position. It really isn't a nice sensation at all and the pain stops me in my tracks. It HURTS! Please someone tell me this is normal and that it will go away without them having to amputate my clit lol!

So sorry for tmi... I'm desperate!! Xxx
I'd mention it to the midwives that check up on you down below or ring the 24/7 number if the pain becomes unbearable I can imagine it's not nice. Post birth it's quite easy to see a female doctor on short notice too and if you are not breast feeding you will be able to take ibuprofen. x
I would mention it to your midwife, can't offer any help or advice sorry. Xx
I had this after I had my first and it did go away after a while. Now I'm pregnant with no.2 it's back again though :(
I remember this after having my son I think it took about 2 weeks to go away, I never asked what it was but it felt like something was pressing down on it all the time!
I had this, it's because your pelvis has stretched and is still out of whack so it's putting pressure on your bits and pieces... It does get better! I worried about it at first too but apparently its normal - but check with your midwife anyway :)

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