's a poo q I'm afraid!


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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C is now on 3 solid meals a day plus the usual milk which I bf on demand. I think he might be constipated....he does go every day but it's now much harder and I can see him straining the poor thing! So what I was wondering, if what the poo of a 6 month old baby who eats 3 solid meals a day should look like? Should it look like an adult poo?

I've been trying to get him to drink water / diluted pear juice between meals as well as bf in case he is constipated because I know that's the first thing a doc would suggest. Thing is, he doesn't know how to use a bottle and trying with a beaker, he doesn't actually drink anything, it just pours right out of his mouth. Would bf'ing be enough?
I'm sure my two don't do normal poos, but then I think all kids poos are different! K's poos are still always really sor of smushy, but I assumed it was cos she bum shuffled, sorry tmi! But it's not changed since she started walking! She drinks a lot of milk still tho! E either does the smushy kind, or more adult like poo! She often gets constipated tho! I'd say keep offering him a beaker, but unless he's in a lOt of pain, bf should be enough! But I'm no expert lol!
Just yesterday, Odhrán done 3 completely different poos! I don't know where he puts it?! :lol: I won't go into details but I have noticed the "same" poos coming after he eats certain things iykwim? If he is going everyday, and it's an alright amount I don't think he's constipated, Odhráns poos got really hard when I put him on solids but they did soften down again, although like I say.. They can now differ.. Several times a day! :lol: I can't believe I have just talked and compared poo! x
well, I persevered with the sippy cup, looks like it's done the trick too, he's done 5 today already lol!
Emilys poo is different all the time.i have just changed a nappy that looks like adult poo but sometimes it's mushy!

It would def help if you could get him to drink water. Emily is getting the hang of her beaker now - took time though!!!


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