TMI - Help if anyone has experienced before!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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Hi Ladies.

Im asking for a bit of advice if anyone can help me.

I have been really sick and have HG so the strain is constant.

This morning as usual I get out of the shower and throw up (my morning routine). whilst I am heaving to bring up the bile -tmi, I see specks of blood in the sick then all of a sudden ---GUSH--- my nose floods the toilet basin with blood. It really hurt as well :-(

I stright away put my head back and pinched my nose to stop the flow but it was so strange??? My boss who has been there done it lol said it could be my blood pressure or could be a blood vessle may have poped in my nose but there was a lot of blood then i get headaches?

help if you have any xxxx
Think you can bleed from being sick so much, I'm sure people who are bulimic do. Maybe give the mw a quick call, you don't want this happening all the time, hope your ok x
Ive never been through this but i have had nose bleed, you have alot more blood pumping through your body than normal. Id just mention it to your mw, sorry i could be more help, hope you feeling better soon x x

I've not had a nose bleed before, but I always have to blow my nose after my daily sickness routine and sometimes there is a tiny bit of blood on the tissue. I just put this down to the heaving of throwing up putting pressure on my nose?

Would you be prone to nose bleeds?
Not 100% sure but when pregnant something happens to the blood vessels in your nose causing nose bleeds and stuffy noses! It's very common to get nose bleeds although I never had it as servere as you, I did have little bleeds x.
Thanks ladies, I haven't been hear much recently as been so hurrendously ill and im sure some of the other pregger ladies may be having a bit of a nightmare sickness.

It feels as though I have been hit in the nose but no bruise. Oh well im sure its nothing to worry about.

I hope all you ladies are well xx
Yeah, i've read somewhere that it's common for pregnant women to suffer a lot from nose bleeds. Being sick won't help at all but it's best to ring your mw and just confirm. If it's nothing then at least she know's about it in future incase anything where to happen xxx
I had nosebleeds alot during tri 1 midwife wasnt worried.
Dont tilt your head back btw latest medical advice it to pinch the bridge of your nose and wait for it to stop.
Hi Ems,

I've felt sick throughout mine first few weeks then the morning sickness stopped. Until today! The whole morning I was gagging from any smell. I brought up bile; clear water with white floating bits! Sorry for the info. Then, after it got too much I spat and realised I'd brought up blood. This concerned me a lot! I guess its from the force of being sick and gagging too! Horrid.

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