TMI - CM question


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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Some of you might know but I have ranted a couple of times about my non existent CM. I am currently 5 DPO havent had many symptoms barr a few twinges here n there but ive just came back from the loo and I had wiped and I felt a bit gooey so I reached down and there was a big dollop of clear/cloudy CM it was really thick was almost rubbery jelly :eek: and I had pulled a few more strings out.. Totally confused now any ideas ladies? Do u think I should do another opk wtf ? Help ?!
Very confusing I am CD17 of an average cycle I shouldnt be OVing this late. Got my +opk CD9.. Have any of you guys had this could be a good sign at 5dpo in my 2ww or could it be mother nature trying to piss me off?!
hiya claire, have you got any more opks you could piddle on? might be worth trying again? if you get a negative it may be a good sign?
Yeah I have 2 left so I will go wee on it soon thanks petals xxxx
i get random cm/ ewcm all the time even after ov, its doesnt necessairy mean you are OV x
I got CM all through my cycle, it was never a good indicator for me
I think you should have have sex right now.
That's all I got but goodluck! :hug:
It wasnt sperm I didnt have EWCM jus a +opk and a definate jelly rubber ball of CM

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