TMI but wondering if you could help.


Active Member
Mar 10, 2011
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This thread is gonna be TMI and alot, only read if you can take to much info and im sorry in advance.

Starting from the start i used ovulation sticks got a postive on the 19th feb .. BD 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st & left it couple of days then done abit more, i had alot of signs which most would know cause i kept posting alot which im sorry about anyways ... had spotting day period was due just once after i wiped, week and 1day late had light spotting again and fort AF was arriving, put pad on but nothing for a whole 24hours and today i had this very light brown/peach discharge on the pad, not much just a little and its gone back to watery discharge like its been right from ovulation, ive taken bout 4/5tests all BFN so im so confused and dont know what this discharge is all about.

Sorry for going on and on all the time

Emma. x x
Hi Emma, sorry I don't think I can help with this one, but didn't want to read and run. I don't think anyone on this forum needs to worry about posting lots and asking lots of questions, this is what the forum is here for, so don't feel like you have to apologise.

Hopefully someone else will be able to post with some more useful advice.

So you got your positive OPK on 19th, so you would be about...

28 DPO? :eh:

Have you got your dates right because that is a very very long time for a luteal phase.

If you are actually 28 DPO and getting negative HPT, then i'd guess that you are not pregnant and your period has gone awol.

Alternatively, you misread your OPK and you didn't ovulate when you thought you did and you are still in your 2ww or maybe not even ovualted yet...

Have you been doing OPKs all this time? You ideally want to do a full cycle with them from start to finish at least once just so you have a clearly picture what is going on.

Sorry i couldn't be much help :hug:
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