Tmi but I seriously need help!


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2014
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I had a miscarriage on Saturday and a brief scan after to check everything had passed. After bad pains and heavier blood this last hour I have just passed another mass similar to when I sadly lost the baby. It wasn't a clot like I have been passing since, it was more a grey mass.

Sorry for tmi but I'm really worried now. Do you think it's normal 6 days on or could there have been another baby hiding? Again sorry for the detail but this was my first miscarriage and I've found the hospital so unhelpful so could do with some advice.

Help please :/

Stacey xx
Hey hun,
Sorry for your loss. How far along were you?

With my first mc i bled for a week and the baby came out, i stopped bleeding and then 2 days later heavy bleeding and the sac came out... If yours was the sac though, you would be able to tell.

They should have been able to see if there was another baby in there hun, unless it was already on it's way out and not in the womb but i don't think it takes that long once mc has started and it would have been immense pain if had been stuck.

If you're worried you should go and see your doc (emergency app warranted for your sanity imo)... Or just keep calling the hospital it's their job don't let them fob you off xxxx
Thanks hun.

I've seen online since posting that if one twin is small it can be upto 16 weeks before its picked up. I just think 6 days on that to be still losing the same baby isn't likely but I'm not a dr. Maybe it was just my body trying to recover. Its left me very confused. The hospital probably won't help me as when I lost my baby on Saturday they said they don't help with miscarriage. Lovely of them ey!

I was 11 weeks hun. Thought we were at the safe point so was a big shock. Sorry for your loss hun xx
Maybe but i don't know.

I had a suspect ectopic last year... Lots of scans n blood tests... I passed the baby, had a scan to confirm clear and then did a pg test 2 weeks later which was soooo dark and a conception indicator which showed my hcg was rising or at least the same! I convinced myself i was pg with twins and the doctor looked at me like I was crazy and delusional.

That's a shame that your hospital are like that :( would be nice to get some real info :( have u tried the miscarriage association website? There might be something on there.

It is possible, were they the same size? Xxx
Was it twins hun? So sad to hear what you've been through.

Oh i haven't looked on there hun. I will do now though thank you.

No tonight's was smaller and less painful than Saturday but the process was the same and i know it's not nice but looked the same too. My early scan was very unclear so I am leaning towards the fact I may have been carrying twins.
Noo mine wasn't twins. Its soo rare apparently but technically she couldnt say because they'd never seen the pregnancy in the womb full stop. My hcg dropped though and i didn't pass anything else.

To be honest, you can really tell when it comes out. Especially at 11 weeks. Mine was so graphically clear at 7 weeks when i had an mmc... No-one believed me so i started to doubt myself. Sounds sick but wish i'd taken a picture now just so i know i didn't imagine it :/

It must make it harder though, sorry hun :( xxx
I was in such a state of shock on Saturday when it happened that until the dr told me that what I described was the baby I was in denial but last night looked exactly the same just a bit smaller. Like you said you know what you see so that's why I'm convinced it was another baby. I think my baby/baby's didn't grow much past 6 weeks tbh cause I had a scan at almost 9 weeks and you couldn't see barely anything just a big shadow and they said that any baby I was carrying was just under 6 weeks which wasn't possible as I wouldn't have gotten pregnant til after my bfp if I was less than 8 at the time! The hospital said it was fine though but now I think something was already going wrong xx
Bless ya :(
Your hospital sound really rubbish! It is possible something was already wrong but it's hard to tell really hun :( i can't believe they didn't want to investigate further.

You're right it is so traumatic and shocking that you can't really take it in. Plus i don't think you expect it to look like that so early on which makes it even more shocking.

Silly question but are you ok? xxx
My hospital have been such a let down. I feel like I've been left to get on with it.

No you're exactly right. You want to believe you are still pregnant so when you lose the baby you're just in shock and can't believe it.

I'm doing alright ty. I just feel like I sound mad thinking it was twins but as you know losing a baby is different to just bleeding or passing clots so I'm convinced there was another. I'm focused today as were going to buy a plant that flowers start of January when baby was due. How are you xx
Aww that is so lovely :)
I bought a 'forget me not' bracelet which helped a lot just to acknowledge.

If you believe that it was 2 babies i think that's all that matters and now that thought has entered your mind,
You probably won't be able to ignore it.

I'm fine thank you hun. My last mc was in June last year so i feel much stronger now and able to speak about them. I promise that it will get easier. Just take time and look after yourself and make sure you keep communicating with your oh xxx
Awh I'm glad that's helped you. I'm thinking of a pandora charm too so my baby is with me even outside the house.

Thanks hun. Again I'm sorry for your losses. Did you manage to have your rainbow baby? Xx
Not yet! But hopefully it will be soon. Hope yours will be too xxx
Awh I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Sending you baby dust!

Thanks hun I think it'll be a while but a rainbow baby in the future would make us the happiest people on earth :) xx

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