TMI: Bubble feeling down below? Uncomfortable and scared :-(


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2014
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Hi again. This place is my lifeline at the moment.
I am 12+6 tomorrow. Had three scans so far, two due to some spotting, one private at 11 weeks.
All was fine.
Over the last week, I have been having phases of feeling like there is a bubble in my vaginal area... It feels a little like pressure,e but not greatly. I have had discharge throughout pregnancy, but it's seemingly not related. Feel like I want to go to the loo with it all the time, but it's really weird and almost feels like something is going to come out all the time.
Had heard about incompetent cervixes etc. but don't want to worry myself silly.
Anyone has anything similar?
Going for 12 week scan tomorrow at maternity unit at hospital. Will there be someone I can ask who may help or will they tell me I need to go away and ask someone else?!
Feels like someone needs to look down there to check it all... Can they do that at this scan?
Sorry for all questions and for continued anxiety. Just want everything to be ok. Now I have got to a 'safer' point, I feel like some of me is looking for something else to go wrong now, but the feeling is definitely there. Had practised some pelvic floor exercises, but can't imagine that will have done anything.
Any advice?
There should be some one you can talk to at your scan tomorrow or you could phone your midwife xx
Hi it's such a worrying time but such a happy time too. I would call your midwife xx
Thanks ladies. Had scan and all is well. They couldn't see anything that might be causing it and all looks normal.
I just need to take a chill pill, but this is so important for us, as it is for all on here, I know and I keep getting stupid and think we're not going to have what has been dangled in front of us. Xxx

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