Tiredness and sickness anyone?


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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I am finding I am seriously suffering with sickness 5 times a day, and feel as though I can sleep all day every day! the last thing I want to do is go to work, but feel as though i cant call in sick as I am not ill, just pregnant! Any one else ever call in sick or anything? When will it go away!! x
I had it upto 7 times a day at it's worse so really feel for you!! I only work 2 days a week so felt I couldn't call in sick but I do have a 4 year old daughter that I had to look after that wasn't fun when being suck and exhausted!! Rest as much as poss, I found early nights helped and the anti sickness bands give you some relief for afew weeks!! Mine started to ease off around 13/14 weeks but I am still being sick once a week even now, i just don't have the nausea with it! Hope it eases up soon x x
I'm with you hun on the tiredness and sickness. If it wasnt for the fact I have to open and lock up the office as the boss is on hols I would definitely have stayed in bed today. I think as long it doesnt become a regular thing, I dont see why the odd day off isnt ok. When you are constantly visiting the loo to be sick, work is the last place you want to be doing it.

I am so looking forward to going to bed when I get home from work.
I'm not sick a lot but really tired!!! xx
I hope it eases up FlexiLexi, can you keep fluids down? you might want to try not mixing fluids with food, and I found a small glass of skimmed milk helped when tum started to feel erggh and acidy about an hour after food and it would settle
Ahh thanks guys! really hope it disappears soon, great advice thanks a lot x
I've taken two days of sick (one before I knew), once for being sooo tired andthe other day cos I just couldn't get to work. It's exhausting at the moment!!
I had REALLY bad morning sickness! Luckily we found out I was pregnant a week after i'd come out of hospital for an operation (we didn't no prior to going in, luckily the anesthetic hasn't harmed baby!) so I had 10 weeks off in total to recover from that and I spent most of that 10 weeks hung over the toilet bowl or in bed - my doctor ended up prescribing me cyclizine for the sickness, it helps but just makes you drowsy so I couldn't have taken them if I was at work anyway.

Hope you start to feel better soon x

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