Tips to get our BFP!


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2010
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Thought I would start this thread for all of us who have been trying a while with no success.
All you lucky girls who have got your BFP's - Did you do anything differently the month you fell preggers? ie. were you more relaxed, bd more or less than usual, tried any natural remedies, ate any particular foods that are supposed to help fertility?

Any tips would be useful!
hey i put my legs up in the air and held my hips a few times in the month we conceived! im sure yous have tried this one but i really think it works. we tried for 3years xxx
I did the same,put bum up on pillow and legs in the air for at least 5 mins after dtd. Also made sure we bd'd every 36 hours,found every day too much and every other not enough xx
im finding every day knackering!!... this month ive had legs up,bum with a pillow and made sure i had a big o!! fingers crossed this month... also ate lots of pineapple some one wifes tell!! but i tried it
Great post! I'm willing to try everything but BDing every day would kill me...maybe I'm just getting too old!
its one way of losing a few pounds each month!!... means that 2ww i rest!!
i was really relaxed and bd the day i was ovulating. I also held my legs up in the air for 5 mins...then lay down with a pillow under my bumb for 15 mins.

TBH we didnt bd much...maybe that helped with the sperm count!!:)
Thanks to you all for taking the time to offer
When you ladies say 'legs up in the air' do you mean literally? Or do you mean just bent at the knee? Cos I've tried the pillow under bum and legs in the air, right up and I just had bad leakage...sorry, tmi!
I had legs in the air,completely up (against wall) xx
well me and oh were trying since october and then in march I started a new job so we decided that we put ttc off for another year and I conceived in april (I had gone back on the pill too but I missed a couple cos im forgetful) and I really think it was because I wasnt thinking about it at all!
Deborah, never heard the wives tale about pineapple in ttc?? Only in bringing on labour when pregnant... interesting as ive eaten loads lately! lol
Ive been trying the legs in the air, but cant stand it for long... ideally how long should they be in the air? and i always leak... xx
When I look back at when we conceived, it was Valentine's Day and instead of the normal "trying for a baby", we had a few glasses of champagne and celebrated the day together. It was probably the first time in ages that I didn't think "Is this the one that will get me pregant??" So I suppose, in essence, I was relaxed (which is easy to say when you are pregnant) but I guess the old cliche is true.
Good luck to all you ladies TTC.
Pam xx
i didnt use OPK'S this month and we only BD twice! i wasnt even thinking about TTC that much.
i only toke a HPT by chance and got a faint line.
good luck girls xx

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