Tip sharing


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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No idea if a thread like this has been done already but thought I'd share some tips I read in a NCT magazine today;
Baby Positions:
Modern life (comfy sofas, low slung car seats) appears to encourage babies to lie in a posterior position (back to back) because if you are reclining backwards then baby will tend to roll towards that position as well. Here's some tips to try to get baby into a 'favourable' position (ie. anterior rather than posterior or breech)
  • Go for a gentle swim and spend time floating on your front
  • Sit on the edge of the sofa or chair with feet apart, belly between your knees, rather than slouched back
  • Get onto all fours and rock your hips side to side. Try doing this when baby is awake and moving
  • When watching tv kneel forward on cushions, beanbag or birthing ball with knees apart and bottom down
  • Try sitting or kneeling with your knees lower than your hips so as to tip pelvis into position
  • Push your chair slightly away from your desk at work and without hunching or tensing, rest your elbows on your desk
  • Sit on a dining room chair backwards-astride the seat, facing the back
  • Sit on a birthing ball rather than a sofa whilst relaxing
  • In bed try lying in your left side with your right leg over and in front of your left one.
Posted before finished! Doh! It says you can do this from 34 weeks and throughout labour some of them can be done too x if anyone has any other tips they're more than welcome!!!!
Good tips Hun! Explains why my boys were back to back.. I do tend to slouch a lot! Lol
It's actually a really great little magazine! I'm loving it! It's got loads of great information and it was free! Yay! In fact there's a website-www.nct.org.uk/join x I'm definately going to join! So many times I've got a pregnancy mag and the info is so general! This is the opposite! Straight to the point and really really helpful x
It's a charitable organisation offering help/support/information/meetings/antenaral classes etc for pregnant people and people with babies/children x there is a charge for membership as they are a charity but IMHO it's reasonable x they offer lots of helplines and stuff x not sure what nct stands for though!
Possibly! Lol x I couldn't find the answer! Doh x I knew what they did etc but not their name!
really good thread helen wish i seen this weeks ago ive been so lazy up until now. really need to get bouncing more walking think it will make a total difference. i have done swimming every week up until now but that oviously aint enough.
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really good thread helen wish i seen this weeks ago ive been so lazy up until now. really need to get bouncing more walking think it will make a total difference. i have done swimming every week up until now but that oviously aint enough.

I'm so glad you've found it helpful x if it helps even just one person I'm happy x yay! x
Really good idea, I'll try to think of any tips I've had and pass them on too.... I'd not heard most of those before, and they're really helpful.

Tried to order the mag myself, but apparently they're not doing the paper mag anymore, and the online editions aren't ready yet *pout*
I've been thinking of this thread when I get bad backache and it's actually really helped! Thanks Helen x x
Yay! I'm so happy it's helping!

I picked up the mag at my hospital (well my DD did-she can't stop picking up leaflets but for once I am grateful she did!)!
Wow hadn't even thought of this so thanks for posting Helen, will definitely start doing that nearer 34 weeks, and make the most of my sofa lounging while I can :p

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