*** SPD Excercises! ***

For those who you who are suffering SPD I have copied the excercises my physio gave to me for the treatment of mine when I was pregnant with Damien.

This is what my physio told me to do!.....

Pelvic floor excercies! My Physio raved about them - and they do help.
You can do them even walking around (unless obviously your SPD is that bad that you can't walk around).

Pelvic Floor Excercises
*Tighten up the muscles as if you were trying to stop the flow of urine.
*Hold this for 4 seconds
*Repeat 4 times
*Do this about 6-8 times a day

Pelvic Tilts
*Lie on your back with your knees bent at right angles and your feet flat on the floor.
*Tighten your pelvic floor and press the small of your back down against the floor or bed.
*Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 5 times.

Leg Adductors
*Sit up straight and put your cleanched fists between your knees
*Squeeze in on your fists with your knees
*Hold for 5 seconds
*Repeat 5 times

few more things they gave me on a list were......

*Stand for long periods
*Stand on one leg - sit down when gettign dressed
*Go up and down stairs frequently if it can be helped
*Carry or lift any weight
*Twist your body

*Stand with your feet close together
*Sit upright with support for your back
*Turn in bed and go in/out of bed with knees together
*Your bed should be low if possible
*Put ice packs on pubis (over pubic bone) to help reduce inflamation caused by SPD
*Use pillows in bed to get into the most comfortable position

The more you walk around - the more it will hurt when you stop. That's what I found anyway....
Try ice packs or heat on your lower back if you feel the pain there too.

Hope that's some help to some of you, I feel for you poor things suffering :hug:
Aw thanks hun, you're a little star. I've printed the page off and will see how I get on with the exercises...cheers babe.... :hug:
Damn, I wish I'd have read this before. I can't even walk with SPD now, driving me insane! I am booked in for a ceasarian on 11th April, can't wait!
Thanks for posting these tips/exercises Sami. I have been suffering for the last 10 days and will try anything that might help.

Great tips, not done anything for me but I probably read the thread way too late.
Londoner Claire said:
Great tips, not done anything for me but I probably read the thread way too late.

Good luck for your ceasarian Claire :hug: Hope all goes well. Make sure you rest after! :)
Thanks, wish I could but only me gonna be here to look after the kids. Karl has to go back to work tomorrow night! :( Don't live together either (thank goodness) lol
did she have her baby already ?
thanks girl... i'll be trying these to night :wink:
Fantastic :cheer: ...I had SPD with my daughter, but 9 years ago, is was hardly heard of and the docs/midwives just though I was exaggerrating over the pain... My midwife now has told me that in subsequent pgs it can come back worse and start earlier, so I am going to start doing the exercises now, because of all the things that worry me most about being pg, including labour, was the awful pain I went through with SPD.
Hi sorry for gate crashing, I had spd with my last pregnancy and my chiropracter gave me anothere exercise too.

The cat: This exercise involves kneeling on all fours and curling your head and bottom towards each other. It helps to lengthen the spine, creating space between each vertebrae. Lengthening the spine in this way lifts the pelvic region which creates more space for the baby in your womb. Giving your baby more space in your womb encourages your baby to move into its best position for childbirth. This exercise is suitable for all stages of pregnancy
Grrr I have only just seen this sticky!!! I've been wondering what pelvic floors to do as my midwife wasn't very helpful and I only know one exercise. I can't get through to the physio on the phone :x

And the pain is getting increasingly worse, I wish I'd seen this a couple of months ago!!!!
im only 6weeks gone and i can already feel the pangs in my hips of SPD. my last pregnancy was awful because of it and this one looks set to be the same but il start on the exercises now so hopfully it may not be as bad as last time. it took them till i was 26weeks pregnant and alot of persuading that i wasnt over exagerating on the pain(it used to take me 20mins to get up the stairs) that i had it and evne then i had to tell them what i thought it was after reading it in a pregnancy magazine!


wow I didnt realise how comon this was!!!

I actually dont feel as scared now, I was soo unsure of what this was... Sami.. I am getting it now!! And girl, how are you and Damien doing? Its been ages!!

I hope I am not too late starting these exercises. I have had this now for over a month, and its getting worse by the day. Today I could not even get off the couch... I am in sooooo much pain/...


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