tip for avoiding vaginal tearing

I think James was born back to back. I keep asking OH to dig out my old pregnancy notes for me (I photocopied them before handing them back in), but he keeps putting it off cos they're up in the loft. It would be interesting to compare my pregnancys.
What a nightmare. My whole reason for doing pregnancy yoga is to help get the baby in the right position but it seems to me that if the baby is determined to come out that way, that's the way he's coming out. But yeah it would be interesting to hear whether it was for you too.
I had a very large episiotomy with ds1 as he was back to back and in distress so needed a quick end to delivery (after 45 hours!!) with forceps - unfortunately the wound broke down in the following weeks (sorry tmi) and I was really worried about tearing with 2 and 3 as things have never been the same down there since - had no tearing dd was only 6lb 9 so that helped but ds2 was 9lb3 and didnt tear at all - it is dependant on soooo many things but I am sure perneal massage can help in some cases and so is definitely worth a try if you can reach :lol:
:shock: Owww!!!

I only had a teeny tiny tear that didn't need stitiches, James was only 5lb 15oz though.

My biggest fear about labour is the episiotomy....it makes me feel faint thinking about it!
I think its worth a try.... me and hubby will start doing it soon...

U can use lube if u dont want to use oil....
Stupid question... does almond oil smell of almonds? :puke:

I just had the picture up in the public computer room at school with kids behind me :shock: good job they weren't looking!
debecca said:
Stupid question... does almond oil smell of almonds? :puke:

I just had the picture up in the public computer room at school with kids behind me :shock: good job they weren't looking!

Oh I didn't think of that - it better not smell of almonds - I hate them :(
Where can you get these Oils from please ladies??

Holland and Barratt?

Boots or a chemist

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