Time Off Sick


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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hi girls

has anyone else had time off sick from work?

Since day one I have felt like pooh. Im so tired I sleep all day but then I cant at night where Im so uncomftable. I feel so sick constantly which is only helped by sleeping now...eating was helping but Im past that, it just makes it worse. I had the flu as well for a week and now Im feeling a wreck.

Ive had 2weeks off work already signed by my doctor. He says me and pregnancy dont get along :( My employers are being less than sympathetic and really have the hump where Ive called in sick again today.

Im all dressed for work but I just feel so crap. I have to get the train too everyday which has been part of the reason I havent gone as they are always late and cancelled. Im so tempted to get another job in my home town when I feel better, then I can just walk home and it wont be so bad.

sorry for the moan and feeling sorry for myself :cry:
I know how you feel- I have to commute into Londoneveryday and I'm finding it really diffucult- only had one day so far but I'm thinking about booking a couple of days off next week....

Have a hug.... :hug:

awww hun sorry your feeling so rough hopefully it will fade soon though
manda xx
Hope you're feeling better soon :hug: :hug:

It's tough if your work aren't happy, you can't help feeling ill. I've had a few days off work due to bad morning sickess and my work aren't happy either. Like I care about them, they've never done me any favours :x
I've got to be at work in an hour, feel really sick though and feel so sleepy. I'm hungry cos I threw up my breakfast, but feel too sick for lunch :cry:
:hug: :hug:

I've just been signed off for a week this morning with a viral infection.
I've had a cold that I just can't seem to shake off. My employers have been OK with me and I have only been there for two and a half weeks. I feel soo bad taking time off sick already. I don't think it helps only being able to take Paracetamol though.

Take care and look after yourself

:hug: :hug:
hey tillytots,
I had last Thurs / Fri off work due to :oops: constipation/wind pains :oops:
I am a teacher at a primary school, not the sort of job you can blag through if you feel sh*t (excuse the pun!)
My head is v understanding, also we have MAJOR rights being pregnant, they really cannot dispute it, as every pregnancy is different.
Have to say my friends at work absolutely :rotfl: :rotfl: when they heard my symptoms, i've been called Trumpton ever since!!! :lol:

I so so know where you are coming from....

I have had x2 weeks off with a kidney inf but now it is general pregnancy that is just making me feel dreadful, i wake up at 5.30 to leave at 6.30 and commute 1 and 1/2 hours to Edinburgh in the car. I feel very very unable to cope, then i have a demanding job in a college with people around me all day, no-where to lie down or have some private time if you are feeling rough. My employers are ok about it but i can tell since most of my team have never been pregnant they think i am being a hypochorndricac yet the migraine headaches and sickness is the worse i have felt for a long time....
take care and know you are not alone xxx
@ Jade_Number1 & manda224 - thanks girls :hug:

@ muppetmummy - poor you hun! stay at home :wink:

@ Emma58 - hope you feel better real soon :hug:

@ AnnaR2B - :rotfl: poor you!! have you been yet? Ive got this problem too :rotfl: :hug:

@ Ginnymarie - hope you feeling better soon too babe. That 1 and half hour commuute sounds a nightmare on its own let alone having to work a full day after it :( :hug:

Its brilliant to know Im not alone. I keep telling myself only 6more months of work and then I never have to return if I dont want to. Im going to get a part-time job after baby is born, something close to home and alot less boring. Im working in an office which is run millitary style and Im not allowed to talk which I think is making it so hard when I feel ill as I have no-one to cheer me up or take my mind off it. My next job is going to involve chatting all day long :D

Hope everyone feels better soon :hug: :hug:

x x x
I know how u feel - I am a teacher in a secondary school and this is my first year teaching. As well as the normal teacher role I have other things on all the time to do with my development. I also have another job :(

I am so tired - even if I go to bed early and I feel rotten all day :(
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Sod work stay off if you are all hunny

I had two days off so far - I wasn't really ill, just very tired and run down
It must be very difficult if your employers are horrible :hug: but you must take time off if you don't feel well. Nothing is more important now than the health of you and your little one.

Having said this, I haven't had time of yet, but I have been sorely tempted. I too have been feeling really grotty, but I just feel bad ringing in ill because I really love my job and the head is so lovely (yes, I am a teacher too :) ) I feel bad because a classroom assitant has to take over and they get a third of what I get paid, I think it is awful on them. I know it isn't my fault, but I feel so guilty.

I admire you if you can muster the strenght to go in, I have not managed.

bee ...I trained as a Secondry School teacher before working in college and wow what a hard job and Michelle, I know how hard you guys work at your school. Being sick in front of kids would be a nightmare.

Well Tilly tots thats 2 weeks and 1 day i have been off and have decided not to go in until wed when I see the doc as I need another sick note so I officially make be off 3 weeks....how shocking, feel so guilty, you are not alone as you can see....well you do have to look after yourself and your baby, pm if you want a chat if you are off tommorow. No wonder you feel bad after having flu also
this post has inspired me, I came home early today!!
I felt really ill after I ate lunch and I have a throbbing headache, so I asked if I could come home.
I feel a bit guilty for those who have to cover, but relieved that don't have to teach whilst feeling urgh!
:wave: hi girls

I was signed off by my doctor until 1st October....and if Im not better then I have to go back. Today my syptoms have taken the day off so Im feeling amazingly normal and Im off to do some housework and everything else Ive neglected for the past 2weeks! I was so ill yesterday I couldnt move so hooray for today :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

hope everyone is taking care of themselves :hug:

x x x x

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