

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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hi guys

i have stopped bleeding today, i want to put a TTC ticker up, do i take my first day from today or tomorrow?


im not sure hun but i would put it from the day you lost i think not a hundred percent though :hug: xxxx
From the first day of bleed I would say Layla - Although it's difficult to say :(
yeah thats what i mean, if i take it from teh first day of teh bleed then that was 2 weeks ago which means im ovulating now, which of course im not.

im goig to take it as the first day of my cycle now and use the ovulation tests to help me out, but shall i put today as my first day or use tomorrow as it being as tomrrow will be the first day of not bleeding atall

does that make any sense? i just kind of babbled that down

yeah hun it does have you bought a bulk pack of opks? you can get them quite cheap off the net xxxx
yeah i orderd 30 yesterday, hoping to get them tomorrow

Did your bleed carry on for a while Layla?

If it did I hope you don't mind me saying this :oops: Maybe you would be best TTC after your next AF?

Also wandering did they check your HCG levels?
i started spotting on sunday 9th

had the scan on the tuesday 11th and was told the sac was small

then bleed heavy over the 13th to the 18th

had the scan on the 18th and was told my womb was clear but i had some tissue in the neck to pass whcih i did the next two days.

she said if i was still bleeding in two weeks to go back but i should stop in a week ish.

it has been geting less and less since last weekend and today, since this morning, i have had nothing.

sorry for all the info, might be to much, but i want to make sure im doing this right.

so i bleed for 2 weeks and 1 day. is that ok do you think?

i know i should wait for a peroid, but i really would like to try now and see what happens.

shall i do my ticker for a week ago? act like its a normal peroid?

I know what you mean about the bleeding but wanting to get right back into it! I was bleeding for near 2 month sthe first time but dived right back in!

I would go from the day of bleed like it was normal AF although its sad to put it like that :(
ok, i have put it from a week ago once i know when i ovulate i can update it


Yay! You staying in the TTC section then Layla? :cheer:
yep, jase has said we can try right away so i can stay! :D

glad your staying hun bfps all round with a bit of luck xxxx

i started using opks for the first time this month bought 25 and have used half of them already lol :oops: xxxxxxxxx
thanks Kina :)

Rach, you haveing any luck with them yet?

I really have no clue how to use them so i hope they come with intructions lol

they do hun but its a bit weird at first its like looking at a bfp shook me up a bit :shock: they say the test line has to be as dark or darker than the control line which mine was as dark yesterday and day before and today its darker so hoping ovulation is hitting today will have to wait and see what temp is in the morning :D only that will confirm it for me i assume they start to go lighter again after ovulation has happened im not sure though lol xxxx

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