Ticker moving on


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2007
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Not sure when it happened but just realised my ticker has moved along another box!! I cant believe how quick the time is going, tri 3 soon! EEK! Im also completely massive at the moment, I look more like 8 months than 5, but then its nice now cos people are starting to treat me differently and be really careful and nice around me! Hows is everyone else doing at the moment, anyone else feeling like the side of a house?! :wink:
You have a gorgeous bump! I still look like Im just getting fat with my clothes on at mo no one who doesn't know im pregnant has noticed yet although the people who do say I'm showing quite abit now so may not be as bad as I think :lol: I can't wait to be obviously pregnant and not in the is she or is she just fat stage! :rotfl:
hehe, I know exactly what you mean! I was like that with my first baby and seemed to take ages to show but this time I popped really early and just seem to get bigger by the day! I dread to think how big Im gonna be at full term :shock:
Yes, you have a gorgeous bump, it looks great :D

And congrats on your new baby :cheer:
I'm not as far along as you guys but I'm also in the "is she? isn't she" stage :roll:
Although one work colleague who knows advised yesterday that I was looker fuller in the stomache and bottom area :shock: :oops: lol!
Just waiting to wake up one day and it's popped out a bit more noticably :lol:

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