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HEHE 4 More Left ....


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2005
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My ticker box has moved !!! :D :D :D

Stupid to get excited about i know lol ... just can't belive how quick all this has gone so far!! and that im mid-way thru second tri :shock: :shock: (Also counting each day as a blessing that i have!)

Totally made me feel better ... and freaked me out at the same time lol, it's werid to think that in 20/21 wks my bean will be here :shock: :shock:
Kind of hit me today that if it goes as quick as these past 18wks ... it's no time at all really ... OMG!!!
it's amazing how the time flys.... when you think about each day it goes slow but when you realise how far we have all come time is passing really quickly... i finish work in 16 weeks and 2 days - not counting really!!!!!!

glad your feeling better.
You're stopping work at 36wks??? You're MAD woman!! lol, and yeah feeling loads better .... thanks honey xxx
I too keep looking at my ticker and how many days i have left, not long till single figures!!!

I can't wait...... getting very excited, anxious and nervous!!!!!!!!

Amy xx
Sometimes I feel like it is going sooo slowly.. like Hayley said .. the days seem to last forever but luckily the weekends come by and then its another week crossed off... I know when I get past 20 weeks it will go even faster as that is my next scary milestone...

Hayley.. when are you leaving work????????? You really are mad!! I am stopping at 30 weeks [or before if my obstetrician has his way!!] and I cannot wait.. gosh I won't miss my job at all!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mmmm i won't miss mine either ...

Wish my job was paid though ... living with the MIL i surley should get paid a sodding fortune??? :D :oops: :roll:
I'm finishing at 35/36 weeks as well Hayley. Well, that's the plan, but I'm already uncomfortable sitting at my desk, and I'm planning on another 20 weeks of this!!! :shock:

Hmm, maybe Anna Marie has the right idea......

Remember girls, it'll be the summer...... :lol: :lol:
Can't even SIT on my chair with out getting a sore bum ... and OH not even home yet :roll: LOL!!!

Sorry girls but 36 weeks??? are you NUTS??? it's gonna be the middle of summer and your both gonna have bumps the size of austria ... you sure you still wanna work till then???

Finish early and spent a week down the coast or something ... not sitting at a desk ... can't see you coping some how?!!
So many of my friends who have recently had sproglets have told me to take at least 6 weeks to enjoy the peace and quiet and also cos aparently we won't be able to move much by then .. my job is quite active and involves quite a bit of driving so I def won't be able to carry on working that long.. hopefully not anyway!! And anyway my company car is a smart... doubt I will fit in it very soon!!!

I am looking forward to sitting in my garden like a beached whale!! :P
I have 11 1/2 weeks left at work YIPPPPEEEEE!!

So I'll be 34weeks when I leave.... just found out the girl that gives me a lift into work has got a new job too, so as of next week I will be getting two buses in the morning and two in the evening!! :(

Might finish early if I can..... I am SOOOO excited that I will not be working this summer!! and get to spend all summer holidays with my baby boy, and little 7 year old sister!! xxxxxxxx
36 weeks - i wish!!!!! i'm working to 37 (another one)

I'm saving my holidays - well 3 weeks of them... my maturnity leave wont start then till my due date - mine was brought forward to 31st July... then i'm taking 5 months off - the final month i'll be going back to work (begining of Jan) but only doing 3 days a week - but paid for 5 as i'll still be on maturnity leave..... then begining of feb i'll start back full time...

Getting a sore bum now! being stuck in this dirty old warehouse with no shelfs or filling cabinets.. everything is in cardboard boxes!!! no wheels on my chair so i'm stuck in an upright chair (the back rest wont bend one degree) - pushed under the desk tightly as we have no room at all..... it's horrible!!! i go home most nites with chapping between the tops of my legs - it is so hot in here tooo - no air conditioning or windows!!!!

Listen to me feeling sorry for myself....

I just hope i can still fit behind the wheel of my car for my long drive to and from!!!! hoping in the summer i can get the roof off.... might make the car feel bigger!!!

Is everyone feeling like their pre pregnancy self????? I am - don't feel one bit pregnant until i try to get up and the chair is stook to my behind!!!!

:lol: :lol:

Hayley.. pre pregnancy self???? what was that.... cannot remember??? Doubt I will ever feel like that again :cry: :cry: :cry:

Well.. apart from being dog tired all the time, spotty, frumpy, bloody moody and hormonal, eating all day, peeing all day and night... hell yeah I forgot I was pregnant!!

I wish!!!

got up last nite for my first middle of the nite wee.... i must have a huge bladder!!!!

Hayley, you are practically sailing through this pregnancy!!! :lol: Can't wait for you to have your second - it'll be hell!!! :shock: :lol: :lol:

Anna Marie, must be a past 35 thing. We feel it more!! :shock:

On a serious note, Hayley, there are Health and Safety laws which state that if you sit at a desk for so many hours a day, they must provide you with a proper chair. I know that they are doing their best after the fire, but play the pregnancy card girl! Tell them that you are really suffering and need to have a real chair, and proper ventilation! They must do something. Start whining about your back!! :lol:
Totally agree with tankett ... play the pregnancy card hayley, you really don't want problems problems with you back hun ... that can cause you serious damage ...

Get complaining girl!!!
Tanett and Anne Marie.... Dont worry I am only 23 and feel the same as you too, apart from the weeing in the night, I am only up once if that...

But still having trouble bending over and picking things off the floor now etc etc etc!!

Anna marie ...

It's not nice laughing at poor tankett!!! (without laughing at me too) I went to the loo this morning and nearly got me ass stuck on the seat ...

Shouting the MIL to pul me off the loo would have been realllllllllly embaressing!!! :shock: :shock:

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