TIA ROSE IS HERE 26/11/2006


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Hiya ladies :wave: ,
Have finally got round to writing my birth story so here goes:-,
On sunday the 26th november i woke up with a really bad back and had a few braxton hicks and i thought i had a bad tummy so went to the loo. When i got there i had passed a big plug of bloody mucus but as this has happened before it didnt really bother me. Then i noticed the bh's seemed to be really regular so started to time them andthey were 8-10 minutes apart. Even though the midwife had said that when they were less than 10 minutes to call an ambulance because of two previous very quick labours, i wasnt worried cos they didnt hurt at all. Rang russ as he had the boys for weekend and he came strt over, i had a bath and had another show to which he said i dont like the look of that we are going to the hospital. I rang labour ward and they said to come in because of my previous history so about 8.30am we set off. Arrived on the ward and was strapped to the monitor which showed tightenings they then said i wasnt in labour :shock: as i was too cheerful and relaxed to possibly be in labour. They left me in my room all day just in case anything happened which it didnt so they then decided that because i was booked in for induction the following day that they may as well get things going while i was there. So at 6pm they examined me to see what method of induction to use and the midwife said that because baby's head was so high i would need the gel and that if i was lucky would only take an hour to work!!! :shock: 6.30pm they put the gel in and i was having major contractions 3 minutes apart 10 minutes later!!! they went from 3 minutes apart to one on top of the other in the space of half an hour. I was permananently sucking on the gas and air so wasnt really on this planet :lol: (those ladies waiting you just gotta try it!!!) I cant really remember much apart from the midwife sitting near the end of the bed she said she wouldnt examine me as it was my third baby and that my body would know what to do this was about 8.15pm. Just before 8.30 i felt i needed to poo (which i didnt) my body just started pushing all by itself and i could feel the stretching and burning and pushed for all i was worth and then felt the relief at what i thought was her head being born, There was a loud pop and the bed was soaked, the midwife said "well thats your waters gone" to which i replied "can you see her head?" which they couldnt as it was just the waters going. I was a bit miffed cos all that effort and she still wasnt here :( Didnt have long to wait though as with the next contraction i felt the urge to "go" again. so with a final gulp of the gas and air i pushed and grunted with every bone in my body. I felt her head come out so far and then stop and remember my best mate donna crying and russ cheering me on, the midwife telling me to pant her out and with one more big push at 8.35pm i had my darling daughter delivered straight onto my chest. she just looked at me and squeaked and i just looked at her perfect little body and burst into tears of complete and utter happiness. I couldnt believe she was finally here after all the heartache and health scares i finally had my little princess in my arms :hug: She was weighed and measured and was 8lb 1oz and her head was 33.2cm which i think is quite small. She breastfed straight away and was very content and slept through the first night and most the following day. She is absolutely gorgeous and well worth the wait :hug: :hug: here are some piccies if you havnt seen them already, i have loads more on my digicam when iget out to get new batteries :wall: Hope all you ladies are well and well done all new mums and good luck for all you still waiting,
loadsa love, kaye,ben,lee and baby tia :hug: xxxxx




She's absoutely gorgeous and that a really nice birth story. I bet the big brothers are proud of their baby sis!

Congrats to all of you :hug:
Congratulations. She is beautiful. Lovely birth story, you bought a tear to my eye :hug:
Awwww lovely stoy Kaye, so pleased it all went well for you! :hug:
AWWW She is beautiful just amkes me want mine now!! Gorgeous name aswell!! CONGRATULATIONS!!
Well done Kaye! She really is beautiful.
That first one is enough to make you weep!
L x
Congratulations :D

such a lovely story :)

love the name too :)

off topic, but wow strech screen :lol:
aww thats sooo lovely hunny x

she is so gorgeous xxx
congratulations....... what a gorgeous darling daughter you have !!

:dance: :dance: :dance:

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